TMC 'stepper_x' reports error: GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
So I've gotten this error message twice now, and from what I've looked up, it can be pretty much anything from driver, cabling, stepper, too much amperage and so on. And I might have to change all components until I find the fault...
Which stepper is "stepper X"? Documentation only mentions right/left, and I don't know if I can move a single motor?
I'll start with making a new cable and pray that fixes it...
20 Replies
you don't say what printer or controller board you are using so i cant answer specifically. On my Ratrig V-Core3 I find this code in the steppers.cgf file
To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
based on the following stepper connections - from left to right:
X Y E Z Z1 Z2
In the wiring diagram, the Z-steppers are called Z1 / Left Z, Z2 / Rear Z, Z3 / Right Z, here they're mapped to z, z1, z2 respectively.
step_pin: x_step_pin
dir_pin: x_dir_pin
enable_pin: !x_enable_pin
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 64
homing_speed: 50
homing_retract_dist: 0
So stepper_x would equate to the Left Motor in the wiring diagram.
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
Oh, yeah I should have specified that.
Using a octopus pro v1.1 with 2209 drivers, I'm using the stock "performance mode" for the drivers.
Stepper x = left motor.
Great, thanks!
First thing I've tried now is to swap the drivers between the X/Y motors, if I get the Y_stepper instead it's the driver that's wonky.
It's just that it seems to be intermittent. First error was 5 min into a print, then I printed for a month with several 12h prints no issues. Then today it came back towards the end of a 7h print.
You say you are using performance mode configuration. Are you using active cooling on the controller board? Performance mode uses elevated signal levels and leads to higher stepper driver temperatures. Unless you have a fan cooling the drivers, they may be getting too hot and shutting down.
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
I've got both the octopus and my PI in a box cooled by 2x 120mm fans, air outlet is by the drivers. So it's getting sufficient cooling that's for sure.
That does sound sufficient! I think your approach of 1. switching drivers 2. switching wires and 3. possibly switching motors should lead to finding the problem. These intermittent problems are NOT easy to track down but it sounds like you are taking a good approach.
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
Cables was my first thought, those caused a lot of issues for me when it was new, bad crimps isn't ideal 😛
But I work with electronics on trucks, so I've had my fair share of lenghty searches for intermittent issues. I don't think I can pull the fuses and see where it's starts to smoke on this one
I got to reading your profile. A Vcore-3 500 is a challanging project car. But with your background, if you can build it, I am sure you can fix it. Good Luck.
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
So a bit further down the rabbit hole we go.
Got the error again, same stepper, so isn't the driver as I swapped those.
But I heard it. It was during travel.
Sounded like it was overloaded, which is wierd as I wasn't printing that fast. (7000mm/s2 and 700mm/s in travel is max, other moves are much lower than that)
Made a "stresstest" file and pushed the acceleration to 10k on all moves with the same move speeds, got the same error after some time on travel. Sounded the same too, so I suspect this is the culprit, simply going too fast on travel, with acc making it worse.
I'm thinking it might be the belts as they're quite tight. Will loosen those and do the stresstest again.
I never run my travel faster than 500 m/s and usually at 350 m/s. I am not a speed demon though and rarely try to pus the edge on speed. I would be curious what you eventually find out, so please publish.
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
Loosened the belts and it ran the stresstest file for about 3h, decided that worked fine, did another file with loads of travel moves, no problems there either after about an hour.
Started a proper print and it happened again. This time on the first layer, max speed 120mm/s and only 2000 acc... So the stepper isn't overloaded...
Now I'm thinking it's the stepper motor. It's mounted with a damper, and it's wobbling significantly more than the right motor. So perhaps the bearings are wearing out?
I made a new cable for it, it could still be that, but the cable looks good, and i've tugged on it during printing without issue
I've got other stuff to do today, so the motor swap will have to wait.
thx for the update. one thing at a time i guess. good luck
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
Removed the steppers, and couldn't feel anything that felt off with the bearings.
Swapped X/Y steppers and let it do the stresstests for a few hours, got the error again on X, not on Y if it had been the stepper.. Two bad cables?
Carefully examined the cables and didn't see anything wrong, wasn't able to pull out the crimps with reasonable force. The connectors looked fine.
Connected the cables, and both cables had one connector that moved slightly while inserted. Looked at the connector head on, and one of the openings wasn't centered properly.
Both connectors looked the same, looked at the connector on the Right(Y) motor cable. Didn't have that defect.
All of my Chinese 6-pin connectors had the same defect. Right motor still used the RR suppled connector. Insertion force between the two connectors was very different as well.
Dug up an original RR cable, stuck that one in and after 12h of testing, it seems to work fine... Fingers crossed!
Are you back to the original speed and accelleration?
flat-fuchsiaOP•2y ago
Yep, have been printing the whole day, so I'm hoping that it's resolved.
Will wait a week or so until I consider it solved.
Guys, I got the same error today, failed a 15 hour print
Totally hate this machine
Do you happen to use 5160 drivers? If so I found this
"Extruder" reports GSTAT: 00000001 reset=1(Reset)
Your tip was worth gold! I added it to all the sections, but only when I added stealthchop in addition to the extruder section did it succeed. Currently I have completed up to 12 hour prints. Thanks for the crucial tip!
Can't remember what drivers I got on this machine, but seems like adding those lines as the guy stated, helped in his particular case.
I'm checking all wires to eliminate all other possibilities...
Any solution to this yet?