Initial Shakedown on Ratos 2.0, V-Core-3, BTT Manta M8P, Y axis Homing in Wrong Direction [SOLVED]

When I powered on the printer I found that the Y gantry would move in the right direction when a movement command was issued, but in the wrong direction during homing (x was fine). I swapped the left and right motors, but this caused x to home in the wrong direction and y in the correct direction. I also tried inverting the y axis in mainsail, but this caused the y axis movement to go in the wrong direction during normal movement and the correct direction during homing. I swapped the motor cables back and toggled invert y to off. As before, X- now moves left (as expected), Y- now moves towards the rear of the printer (as expected). But now, the y homing moves the gantry towards the front of the printer. This was the original issue. I have included config file. While I am using physical endstops, I understand that sensorless homing homes the gantry to the front of the printer. Thank you for any assistance or guidance you can provide.
1 Reply
Perhaps homing_positive_dir: true should be flipped? Solved

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