Error after some minutes idling.

Hi. I've just finished the build of my VCore4, but it has strange behaviour. If I leave it idling, after 5-10-15 minutes (haven't noticed how much), a yellow warning appears, saying Klipper lost connection to T0, T1 or Beacon. Each time it's different but mostly it's T0. After selecting Firware Restart, I does not start. I need to select Restart only and then all is good. After the last one the reddish attached image showed up. Initially I thought there are loose cables or something, but it's not that, as the printer passed all its belt and shaper tests without an issue. If it's doing something (moving, heating, whatever) it's OK. If I leave it idling, then it dyes. Is it possible to be the Hub? Any help, hint on advice on that issue would be appreciated.
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89 Replies
AOneOP4w ago
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TheTik4w ago
Might be the hub, is it a powered hub at least?
AOneOP3w ago
No, it's the one coming with the kit - Waveshare. But I have two 5V power lines to the pi, hoping it would help somehow. In the specs it says the hub has a USB C port for external 5V power supply, but I don't think I could power it from somewhere. I don't remember a free USB port on the Octopus board. Still same problem. No ideas anybody?
AOneOP3w ago
I've re-wired all the cabling and replaced the USB cables. Still the same issue. Uploading the Klippy log if anyone has some idea.
DapperDangus3w ago
Since you were having errors on your toolhead, I’d guess there’s something wrong with a toolhead wire. Don’t plug and unplug cables while it’s on though. Also make sure to wait till the raspberry pi lights stop blinking when you turn it off.
AOneOP3w ago
I did not plug and pull. The printer was in working state, Klippper connected and I was looking at the laptop while I was wiggling each cable and connection one by one. No errors, no matter I went through all of them 3 times. I'm also excluding the Hub (for now), as I've moved T0, T1 and Beacon cables directly on the pi.
MDFPereira3w ago
you are suppose to power it from the GPIO connected to the octopus RPI pins. With the provided cable. A thinner cable will not have enough amps to power everything. Is this the case?
TheTik3w ago
Are your two threads about the same issue?
AOneOP3w ago
It is powered from there. I'm just duplicating the line as I thought it's a lack of power issue
MDFPereira3w ago
you can use 2 red wires for 5v
AOneOP3w ago
Yes, exactly
AOneOP3w ago
2,4 - 6,9
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AOneOP3w ago
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MDFPereira3w ago
nope... on the octopus, color are not correct
AOneOP3w ago
Yes, I'm struggling with that for almost a week and no replies except yours. I think I've narowed down the issue to Beacon, hence the new thread. Green is one line, red is the duplicate To 5V are connected the red ones
MDFPereira3w ago
oh, ok nope... The 2 5V should be the 2 top ones
MDFPereira3w ago
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MDFPereira3w ago
the next 2 are GND
AOneOP3w ago
Yes, exactly. 5V are two top ones. That's how it's connected.
MDFPereira3w ago
ok should be enough.
TheTik3w ago
Your coloring is ... surprising. I would expect both reds to be power and both greens to be gnd, not "primary and secondary"
AOneOP3w ago
Yes, it's from a chat with a friend 🙂 Red is one line (+&-), green is the parallel one. It really looks odd, sorry 🙂
DapperDangus3w ago
You don’t have to power it from the GPIO pins. I prefer to just not worry about any sort of power issues so I power mine through usb c. Plus I can access my pi without having to turn my whole printer on.
AOneOP3w ago
Yes, but that's one more cable going out of the to deal with (and one more power socket) Just tried direct power to the pi (through a phone charger) and left the printer idling again for the test. Half an hour later - MCU lost connection to Beacon. Is it possible it's building some static charge. It's not moving, but maybe some current is finding it's way to one of the toolheads boards or the Beacon.
DapperDangus3w ago
Curious what all you have plugged into your pi and pi hat. You didn’t mention powering the pi hat externally too unless that was implied. My hat and pi both are powered externally as well as separately. The pi does not have to feed the hub this way. Looking at your previous errors, curious if you might have an extra webcam, klipperscreen or something hogging bandwidth. Have you tried leaving the beacon unplugged and letting it idle?
AOneOP3w ago
My Waveshare hub is not powered externaly as it's not mentioned in the instructions. It should get all the power it needs from the pi I guess. I have extra Logitech cam and 7" Klipper screen, but I've tried disconnecting them both for the first couple of tests and the results were no different, hence I decided to plug them in anyway. I've not tried with Beacon unplugged as I thought it would cause error, not letting Klipper start. I'll try with it unplugged and if needed uncommented in Klipper, to exclude it from the equation. Good tip.
DapperDangus3w ago
Just don’t run a homing command or something. I do not believe it’s critical to run as I’ve read of people not using bed meshs for their printers. I also had to take my beacon off the toolhead in order for the cable to actually click into the beacon properly.
AOneOP3w ago
I've already disassembled it twice to check for that.
DapperDangus3w ago
Have you tried swapping between the usb 2 and usb 3 ports?
AOneOP3w ago
Not sure. I've moved the porta multiple times, actually...
MDFPereira3w ago
You don’t but you can 😉
DapperDangus3w ago
I know, you said supposed to so just wanted to make sure the other option was known 🙃
AOneOP3w ago
When disconnecting Beacon the printer doesn't even start. Any idea how to test the Beacon or bypass it temporarily to check what happens without it?
TheTik3w ago
What do you mean by "doesn't even start"? Does it not power on?
AOneOP3w ago
The Klipper is not connecting. It obviously searches for the probe and can't see it, hence not starting.
TheTik3w ago
Error message? Starts smoking? Calls you names? The more throrough and precise your descriptions of what you've tried and the results, the faster smarter people than me can help.
AOneOP3w ago
Well, everyon know how the Klipper reacts when it's started and some component is not discovered by the system. Do I really need to be that detailed on common things?!?
TheTik3w ago
You should share the error message, yes.
AOneOP3w ago
Ok, I'll unplug all the cables again, so you see a common blue message. I'm using klipper since lot's of years. I believe the smarter people are realizing what I mean straight away.
AOneOP3w ago
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AOneOP3w ago
By the way, the Voron community was way more interactive and talkative. No offence, but within two days, there would be tons of ideas, hints and tips. I'm really starting to feel sorry I tried the RatRig. Should've stick to Voron or some Creality printer, like the K2 which are even cheaper. I feel like a total idiot, spent 2500 euros for something that haven't melt a single gram of filament yet.... Until now I have the VAOC not working (should arrive tomorrow from Lisboa). Have changed 3 USB cables (10 euros each). Have purchased two EBB42 boards, to test if it's not them... Lets see what comes next. Really sad and frustrated at that point. PS: Even some of the 3D parts delivered were missing first layer and I could see the infill. How serious is that?! Luckily, I have other printers working, to redo them myself.
DapperDangus3w ago
Unfortunately, I agree a bit on some points. It’s conflicting though as the ratrig is definitely the better machine but the support behind it is severely lacking compared to voron. Recently looked at the voron trident manual and it felt miles ahead. Why do you think klipper cares about the probe? I’ve started my machine with motors and end stops unplugged. If the voron peeps have a better idea of what’s going on then follow their advice I guess. I’m not entirely sure what you are trying either as well as you’re doing things I would avoid like keeping extra peripherals connected because the error still pops up. The k2 is having a host of issues as well, not sure that’s a good bet of a product.
Mitsuma3w ago
Please keep it civil here, insulting people doesn't help your problem no matter how frustrating it is. This is still an unofficial discord and any help here is by community members for community members in their free time. You are free to complain about RatRig and issue but don't direct that at volunteer helpers. official support is only via their email or their FB page (although the latter is not often used as support, its an official channel tho)
AOneOP3w ago
Sorry if something sounded like an insult, it was not ment to be. These issues are simply driving me crazy. I also wrote an email to the support earlier today. Edit: Maybe you caught on "smarter people", but that was a term used in the message I'm replying to. That was not an offense. The motors are power lines and the end switches are just open/close of a circuit. Klipper has no response from them, but it receives info from the toolheads, teermistors, filament sensors and other parts with chips on them (to put it as simple as possible). If I unplug the power lines to the toolhead it wouldn't care, but if I unplug the filament sensor, it would not start.
DapperDangus3w ago
Ok, is it at least not erroring out with the beacon removed?
AOneOP3w ago
I can't start it (Klipper) with the Beacon removed 🙂 (as already mentioned). If Klipper is not working I wouldn't receive an error message from Klipper for lost communication to MCU.
Mitsuma3w ago
go in the configurator and configure an induction probe
DapperDangus3w ago
K, best of luck. I’ve provided everything I would have tried.
Mitsuma3w ago
alternatively try and see if you have some other USB hub laying around you can steal. obviously also try some other USB-C cables. another thing, make some pictures of your machine, the toolboards, the electronics etc. anything worth of interest
AOneOP3w ago
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AOneOP3w ago
I have a hub, but it's not a better one. I've connected T0, T1 and Becon directly to the pi yesterday, to exclude the hub as a culprite, but all remained the same, The Beacon in the pictures I've disassembled half an hour ago to check for some visible damage or whatever....
AOneOP3w ago
Maybe you mean Generic probe? I find no Inductive one.
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Mitsuma3w ago
AOneOP3w ago
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Mitsuma3w ago
power off the printer/MCU and remove this jumper. likely not your issue but thats not supposed to be there
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Mitsuma3w ago
make sure you applied the changes in the configurator, the "difference" section at the end
AOneOP3w ago
yes, I accepted the change in config jumper removed
AOneOP3w ago
that's what I followed on assembling
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Mitsuma3w ago
as it said, its for testing the board (outside the printer) could probably be clarified better go in the RatOS configure page and download a debug zip
AOneOP3w ago
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AOneOP3w ago
how about this hint from GPT?
Mitsuma3w ago
go in your printer.cfg and delete the beacon block at the bottom in the save_config part
#*# [beacon model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.500992913002572,
#*# 1.8550204574096478,
#*# 0.7823687408481456,
#*# 0.30281859653262744,
#*# 0.2957681771129906,
#*# 0.3465497239815192,
#*# -0.1678132522513618,
#*# -0.27159794434602197,
#*# 0.18915699671186367,
#*# 0.16892133086860128
#*# model_domain = 1.8452070883946128e-07,1.938410788673676e-07
#*# model_range = 0.200000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 23.342475
#*# model_offset = 0.00000
#*# [beacon model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.500992913002572,
#*# 1.8550204574096478,
#*# 0.7823687408481456,
#*# 0.30281859653262744,
#*# 0.2957681771129906,
#*# 0.3465497239815192,
#*# -0.1678132522513618,
#*# -0.27159794434602197,
#*# 0.18915699671186367,
#*# 0.16892133086860128
#*# model_domain = 1.8452070883946128e-07,1.938410788673676e-07
#*# model_range = 0.200000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 23.342475
#*# model_offset = 0.00000
this part ignore for now, a set inductive probe will use the toolboard pins, basically the same as a fake pin. inductive probes dont get checked for "being there" so to speak. restart klipper/firmware after that ofc
AOneOP3w ago
started 🙂 now lets wait and see if the error appears.
Mitsuma3w ago
dont home the printer, obviously, well at least not Z
AOneOP3w ago
yes, I'll just leave it powered on. It errored like this before.
Mitsuma3w ago
download another debug zip
AOneOP3w ago
after an error or now?
Mitsuma3w ago
after error
AOneOP3w ago
Mitsuma3w ago
ah I missred, thought it did it again already
AOneOP3w ago
No, before removing the Beacon
Mitsuma3w ago
so right now all USB is on the Pi ?
AOneOP3w ago
let me check again No, T1 and T0 i've moved to the HUB as only USB2 ports are available on the pi should I move them on the pi? I don't know how important for the toolheads is the type of USBs *USB2
Mitsuma3w ago
MCUs should best be on the Pi directly 2 or 3 doesnt matter
AOneOP3w ago
ok, will move them back again
Mitsuma3w ago
so the Octopus and the two toolboards you probably want on that
AOneOP3w ago
Mitsuma3w ago
its not that critical but common practice
AOneOP3w ago
I thought so too (it's better avoiding the hub for the mains)
AOneOP3w ago
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Mitsuma3w ago
its a pretty good USB hub tho, shouldn't have caused problems on there
AOneOP3w ago
That's what I've also heard. I doubt it's the hub. The errors before were happening with the config from the picture above. Afterwards I decided to move the toolheads to the HUB in order to plug the Beacon to the pi. I've posted in the Beacon discord group yesterday, hoping for some ideas how to check if it's working properly, but no response from there yet.
Mitsuma3w ago
well if everything is running fine now, you can exclude its anything current which reduces the issue to the beacon/beacon usb cable
AOneOP3w ago
It usually take longer to fail sometimes. Yesterday on the first start after the recabeling it lasted more then 30 minutes. And then,,, it went down to 1 minute.
Mitsuma3w ago
well if its fine now, reconfigure for beacon, plug in the beacon and see again make sure you dont plug in the beacon while powered, always power it off first beacon can be damaged when plugging in USB while power
AOneOP3w ago
I need to go out for 2 hours. Will leave it working, and then when I'm back (if it haven't failed yet), I'll plug the Beacon back. to see what happens and confirm it is the issue Thanks a lot for the guidance so far. All your hints are logical and making sense 🙂 First thing for me to try tomorrow... (making a replacement cable for the Beacon) Yep - that's it. The Beacon or its cable. 2 hours working with bypassed Beacon without an issue. Attached it and 30 seconds later - the error. Well. New cable created and still the same. So it's the Beacon.
Mitsuma3w ago
contact RatRig for a replacement
AOneOP3w ago
Already did.

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