welp. What the hell have I done.

It appears that maybe a motor is lagging or not configured right? It seems to have a huge amount of sway through out the print. It always seems to sway one direction and then slowly switch directions.
4 Replies
rising-crimson2y ago
last time something similar came across here, it was one of the pulleys rotating on the shaft of one of the motors so i'd check that first, make sure both of the 2 set screws are tightend down, and 1 of them are on the flat spot of the shaft
well that print isn't attached to the bed so really you can't make any assumptions since it is shifting all over the place because it isn't attached
rising-crimson2y ago
oh lmao, didn't even notice that part
other-emeraldOP2y ago
Lmao I know! I just saw such a huge change in where the printer is trying to print so I assumed it just amplified the problem. I will check the pulley on the motor and run a proper test print.

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