Shape of inner Perimeters visible on the outside
Hey guys.. I am having a weird issue with a Gridfinity bin, that I am trying to print.
This is not an official gridfinity bin, so maybe it is model related?
On the inside, this bin has a huge fillet, and for some reason, the contours of this fillet are visible on the outside. On one side, its so bad that it almost results in a "crack" / recess / ...
On the other side, the shape is slightly visible... The rest of the bin looks great.....
The wall thickness of this bin is 1mm (measured in Fusion360)... my line width is set to 0.4mm and I use Prusaslicer.
I tried the setting "print external perimeters first", but that didnot change anything.
After slicing the object, that rounded shape is even visible on the outside in prusaslicer... Why?
Maybe someone has a tip how to solve that issue..
4 Replies
foreign-sapphireOP•2y ago
foreign-sapphireOP•2y ago
generous-apricot•2y ago
This looks like the Arachne slicing algorithm is making the wall 2, thick, extrusions wide which transition to regular extrusion widths to make the corner/ramp. Try turning off the Arachne algorithm (Google-able, I don’t use PrusaSlicer, sorry) to turn that wall into multiple perimeters. Double check that the seam (retraction to next layer/perimeter) isn’t also ending up on the ramp making things worse (you can change where the seam goes).
stormy-gold•2y ago
Ive been having this too! Good to know its not a hard fix