Setup sensorless homing on a V-Minion
I switched to Sensorless Homing on a V-Minion but the X-Axis moves although i run on X-Axis = driver_SGTHRS: 255
I took the Template and copied it into the printer.cfg
I checked the Klipper Documentation but can´t find a hint on where i did something wrong. I attached the printer.cfg
Any suggestions what to check?
31 Replies
255 = max sensitivity
try 90
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
with 255 it should not move at all right? With 90 it runs close to the end of the X-Axis and stays there. Y-Axis runs to the back till end and comes back to the middle. X-Axis doesnt 🙂
And Pos says X= 90 Y =90 Z = 10
have you also set the correct jumpers on your mainbaord?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
I put them all in at first
the sensorless homeing jumpers or jsut the ones from the ratos doku?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
the sensorless homing jumpers. The Ratos Doku only deescribes with endstops or did i miss something?
yes, you must, with the jumpers, tell your mainboard on which axis you want to use sensorless homing
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
ok so only PG6 and PG9 cause thats X and Y right? These are the only ones i want to use
your mainboards dokumentation tells you in word and image where the jumpers are located
you can find them on their github repo
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
i agree but there is no direct link between these two infos. So i assume Diag0 is For Driver0 right?
forghet the pins
thats an example, not sure what board you are using
you just need to read your mainbaord manual
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
J16 you´re right again 🙂 read the wrong info
ok so used J16 and J17 which should be the Jumpers for Driver0 and Driver1 which are X and Y but still the same issue
you need to find the corect value, mostly its between 70 and 90 ish
if it still doesnt work then something is blocking it
extended-salmonOP•2y ago I used this Docu and i assumed with 255 it should not move at all. Well right now with 255 the x-axis is running to the right and stays there.
255 = highes sensibility, thats why it doesnt move to the lef tside
it tihnks it already had reached the endstop
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
so it moves to the right and stays there because he thinks he is at the endstop?
normaly it moves to the left, and then back to the center, but with 255 it doesnt move to the left bc its to sensitiv
lower that value
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
ok understood. i give it a try
you´re right 🙂 it went to the left and back to the middle and Y-Axis went back and came back forth... Thanks a lot for your patience. Last thin now is to get the nozzle to the middle of the Bed. cause right now it is to the right like 20mm.
sorry to bother you again. I need to adjust position_min on X and Y stepper till the nozzle sits at bottom left corner right?
adjust position_endstop
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
sorry i don´t get it. Let´s take x-axis. I have a psoition_endstop. In my understanding this is the point where the endstop for x is and therefore defines a endpoint of the rail which can be outside of the bed right? So the position_min should be the 0 on the bed right? If i have -12 for the endstop x-axis is homed at 84 instead of 90.
then use -6
thats mmilimeters, you know
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
i thought that pos_min and max defines the bed and with the endstop i just define the max allowed travel. so pos_min0 pos_max 180 would be for the minion and pos_endstop would be for example -12 cause thats the maximum travel. I assume i am wrong on that
no, its not the bed dimension, its the endstop position, in your case 6mm from the left side of your bed, -6
jsut try it, it works
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
ok so now the nozzle is centered on the bed with these values
position_min: -10
position_max: 170
position_endstop: -3
position_min: -20
position_max: 168
position_endstop: -14
and Toolhead absolute Position is at x=85 and y=84 🙂
dont change position_max values
you are loosing print area this way
set it to 180
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
ok done thanks. So position_min: -5 has to be adjusted to be able to enter a value for pos_endstop right? so if endstop has to be -5 you set pos_min to -5 right?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
Man thanks now i got it. Thanks for the patience
i strongly recommend that your position_min isn't less than your position_endstop. It allows you to crash the carriage.
Position_min = position_endstop is a good rule of thumb, you can use the coordinates below position_endstop anyway (because the "endstop" is blocking)