Raspberry instalation problem

Hello, please, iam instaling ratos on my new printer. Iam using older ratos on another printer for 2 years and now, instalation is little bit different, no text editor, but WiFi/Ethernet connection and setting. And here is the point. I instal ratos in sd card, put it inside raspberry and waiting for half hour, many times and nothing happend. No WiFi connection (check my phone, tablet, notebook) so i tried LAN cabel, still nothing to see. What iam doing wrong please? I hope, iam not too big idiot, that i cant instal nev version of ratos at my new printer. Thank you very much for help.
5 Replies
Unclebones2y ago
give all the detailes of the steps you make to install RatOS.
metropolitan-bronzeOP2y ago
Download new version of ratos. After that, open balena and open unziped folder with ratos, target is Micro sd in adapter in USB in my pc. After compilation it, put Micro USB into raspberry into printer, turn printer on, checking WiFi for looooooong minutes ať my phone, notebook, tablet. Nothing to see. Make it again, nothing changes. Make it again, but with LAN cable, try to connect to https://ratos.local/configure and Page/s doesnt find... I mean, iam doing it right. But results told me - no, youre doing it wrong...
https://ratos.local/configure and won't work for the LAN cable. You need to find the correct IP address in your router and use that instead
metropolitan-bronzeOP2y ago
I understand. But why i cant see it by WiFi please?
no idea

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