Why is this happening?

I have Auto bed adjustment on and i can see that the z lead screws are moving, but this happens when i go a first layer test.
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7 Replies
ThatLadBonifaceOP2y ago
here is my mesh, i am going to fix the bumps ultimately but its within a good range, i can see that the bed shows a slight low spot, but my config has the variable_adaptive_mesh: True variable_bed_mesh_profile: "default"
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ThatLadBonifaceOP2y ago
for those interested the solution is more probe points
how much? I have a similar problem, my mesh in not consistent and and my probe take 49 points (7x7)
ThatLadBonifaceOP2y ago
what probe are you using? i gave up on using a PINDA probe and went back to a bltouch
SuperPinda original from Ratrig
ThatLadBonifaceOP2y ago
consider trying BLTouch if able, between the steel sheet, magnetic sheet, aluminum plate, magnets in the corner, and metals in the hotend mere milimeters from the sensor, i didnt see that the readings from pinda were consistently triggering at an accurate height,as opposed to a solid click from the touch prob. I have no data nor detailed explanation more than the days of frustration that was solved by switching
i have two bltouch, 1 original and 1 clone i can try when i print the correct support

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