No realtime resonance graphs on RatOS v2.1.0-RC1-14-g19ed1de0

Is there anything needed to enable the realtime resonance graph page? I have a beacon rev H configured, it works as a probe (including contact) and I can run an axis noise measurement off it so I believe the accelerometer is fine, but nothing I do makes anything show in the resonance graphs (I clicked the start button), they're all just flat zero traces. I've also got the EBB42 1.2 toolboard which isn't configured as an accelerometer anywhere and switching to that produces errors in the browser console, switching back to beacon does not. Am I missing something?
The beacon accelerometer isn't supported yet, it's data is formatted differently, will be supported as soon as i can get back to working on the resonance graphs after the docs are done. The EBB42 is, but you can't select it from the RAT, you'd need to assign it to your toolhead in the hardware configurator to use it (you don't have to save it to the configuration, just select it in the dropdown)....
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13 Replies
miklschmidt•2mo ago
The beacon accelerometer isn't supported yet, it's data is formatted differently, will be supported as soon as i can get back to working on the resonance graphs after the docs are done. The EBB42 is, but you can't select it from the RAT, you'd need to assign it to your toolhead in the hardware configurator to use it (you don't have to save it to the configuration, just select it in the dropdown).
Tom O
Tom O•2mo ago
Ah, makes sense. Thanks for the info!
miklschmidt•2mo ago
I don't know if it does to be honest 😂 The UI needs some love 😄
Tom O
Tom O•2mo ago
Well, the bit about beacon's different format makes sense 😄
miklschmidt•2mo ago
Just wanted to get it out there because it was too cool and useful to let details like that stand in its way 😅
Tom O
Tom O•2mo ago
Letting me select the Pi as a source of accelerometer data, maybe a bit less so Oh, certainly worth getting out in some form, it is very cool
Synapsis•3w ago
Can I still use the Beacon H even if I don't use the accelerometer ? Also is the low profile better for mounting I still haven't found mount yet.
miklschmidt•3w ago
Of course! 🙂 Most mounts for EVA and RR toolhead uses the low profile version
Synapsis•2w ago
Thanks wled
TheTik•2w ago
did you mean to do a search? 😄
Synapsis•2w ago
:need: yeah sorry looking for how to use them in klipper
TheTik•2w ago
try #leds-and-automation
Synapsis•2w ago
Thanks never saw that section