Bed Not Heating
Yesterday I finished a print, everything seemed normal, printing at 70c bed temp. My next print that day, the bed started warming but before it got to 70, it crashed due to heater not heating at expected rate.
SSR lights up red, when heater is at 100% I'm showing a 0.4v drop across the switched side of the SSR, and across the leads of the bed I'm getting infinite resistance. Ideas? If it's a thermal fuse, why would that have happened, and is that even replaceable? For context, it's 110v and the printer has a few hundred hours on it.
15 Replies
Yeah not sure what happened, but sounds like the fuse blew. You will have to cut it out to replace (use crimps, not solder)
Just peel back the adhesive on top?

I'm assuming the top square?
I believe it is the top one
You should be able to pull it out of the sleeve (the longer one) without undoing the adhesive. You will probably have to trim the new fuse to match the old one and most likely you will need new crimps.
Why crimps instead of solder?
because it is a thermo cutoff. It will be get hot enough to mess with the solder
what kind of thermal fuse does it need
VC 3.1 500 so a 120V 1600W pad
but the odd part is it reads 120V across the fuse
sounds like it isn't the fuse then
Thermistor issue??
i send the command and then nothing happens
you should probably start your own post as per
psoted, but now a plot twist lol