V Core 3 CAN communication configuration
Hello! I am new to the discord, but am a big fan of Rat Rig and RatOS. I am currently trying to use the 2.0 beta with CAN communication, however the configuration has been having problems. I am unsure on what needs to be changed/altered within the config file in order to communicate with the toolhead MCU I am currently using.
I tried to use this tutorial but am unsure on the changes to the firmware that are needed to get the Rasp Pi to communicate properly with the EBB board:
I also used this the sample file found on the BigTreeTech GitHub as a template, as recommended in the video tutorial:
MCU: Rasp Pi 4 Model B
BTT U2C V2.1
Control Board Octopus 1.1
I attached the printer.cfg file I have been using as well as a screenshot of the error I have been getting. Any documentation on this type of set up or help from someone who has done something similar would be greatly appreciated.
Teaching Tech
Klipper CAN bus guide for Bigtreetech U2C and EBB boards
A modern 3D printer has many, many wires going from the mainboard to the print head. Each set is responsible for a component and its operation. But what if we reduced that loom to just four wires? Two power wires, and two communication wires. Today we are testing such a CAN BUS system with the Bigtreetech U2C and EBB modules.
This is currently ...
EBB/sample-bigtreetech-ebb-canbus-v1.2.cfg at master · bigtreetech/...
Contribute to bigtreetech/EBB development by creating an account on GitHub.
7 Replies
future-harlequinOP•3y ago
So the issue is simply from using the CAN line instead of the USB? In that case, I should reconfigure my EBB to use the USB port and the issue should resolve itself, correct?
RatOS 2.0 with USB Toolboards is easy as eating a cake
the configurator does almost everyting for you, it tells you how to flash ans such
future-harlequinOP•3y ago
The configurator?
in the configurator you jsut select what board you have and the rest goes almsot completely automatically
future-harlequinOP•3y ago
Thank you for the help! I am no longer getting error messages at the moment. I still need to power the toolhead separately though as the usb can not provide adequate power, correct?