Octopus Pro H723 V1.1 detected but is unresponsive

Hi everyone, I made a mess and I can't fix it on my own. Wanting to understand why the LEDs don't work and I think I burned the Control board (BIGTREETECH BTT Octopus V1.1) with a short circuit. In fact, from that moment the parts fan started to blow. After that I got this error (mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect). I disconnected everything and connected only via USB, and I tried to flash the control board again, but I couldn't connect with DFU and I suspected that I had burnt the control board, moreover, connected only with USB you can hear buzz and the belt motors tend to make very small jerks, which I think is evidence of having burned out the Control board with a short circuit. I bought a new one (BIGTREETECH BTT Octopus Pro V1.1) and without attaching anything I tried to connect again. Via DFU it recognizes it, which is already a step forward, it starts to flash but after a while it loses the connection, and the same problem reappears. In cnfigure? Step = 1 she says it is detected but not responding (Octopus Pro H723 V1.1 detected but is unresponsive. Klipper doesn't seem to be running on your board, which may indicate faulty firmware or a faulty board. Please check your board and try flashing it again.) I tried to flash with the SD card but the same thing happens again, it starts and freezes. I tried with 2 different SD cards for the flash and with two different RatOS, including one without any configuration starting from 0 In the device panel it also recognizes it and is connected. I've been stuck here for a few hours and I don't understand anything anymore. Is it possible that the new MCU is faulty or what should I do to get the printer to print again. I attach photos and log. Thanks in advance Have a good day
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37 Replies
blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
looks like it is still in DFU mode. You have to remove that boot0 jumper for it to boot normally and be detected
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
Unfortunately I can't flash the control board, it doesn't start from the micro SD and the file isn't renamed, it remains bin, with DFU it starts and you can see that the CPU is working but as if it were collapsing. I also tried with the flash button all connected boards, it starts, you see the CPU working, and after a while it no longer connects, even if it recognizes it, in cnfigure?step=1, than in device.
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
if it is recognized in the configurator then it flashed correctly. Is your printer.cfg edited to the correct hardware?
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
I think yes
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
upload the entire printer.cfg please
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
I tried your advice to connect via ssh and run the dmesg -w command, but nothing changes. Why does it still not connect? Nothing is connected to it, just the RPI with USB
blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
dmesg is just a tool to help figure out what is going on. Can you upload a picture of the top of your octopus board?
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
Yes, is this ok?
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
I can't tell, is the jumper still on here?
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lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
No it isn't
blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
I see the SD card is still in there, you should remove that does configure?step=1 recognize the board now?
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
I removed the board and turned the RPI back on with the board connected via USB only. At first this problem appears then after a minute this other one appears. In printer setup, klipper appears red not connected, while on ratOS the mcu appears connected. I do not understand anything. Sorry for the inconvenience, I would be the happiest person in the world if everything worked and I didn't need help. Thank you so much for your time and patience.
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lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
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lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
Hello everyone, this morning I tried to connect via ssh and I tried to look for the card but it is not connected, even if it is connected with a USB C cable (with this command ls /dev/serial/by-id). After that, I tried redownloading the firmware from the setup wizard, formatted the 16GB card to fat32 again, copied the bin file to the card with the name firmware.bin, turned off ratOS, and unplugged it. I inserted the card and turned everything back on. All 4 LEDs on the board are on, nothing flashes, as if the flash via the SD card did not start. I took out the SD card and inserted it into the computer, the .bin file which should change to .CUR. it doesn't change, it remains .bin. In the setup wizard the board is not connected, the klipper does not appear, and the check board status does not react. I tried reinserting the SD card into the board and pressing the reset button but nothing changes. The board appears not to be flashed. I took out the SD card and pressed the restart button again, but nothing changes. I shut down ratOS and turned off the power. I inserted the boot jumper and turned everything back on trying to flash the board in DFU. Even now, it is not connected. I tried with restart firmware in ratOS, but nothing changes, neither the sepup wizard nor ratOS recognizes it. I tried rebooting into ratOS, but nothing. Then I turned it off again and tried unplugging it and turning it back on again. Now in DFU he finds it. I press the flash button and it starts, you can also see from ratOS that the CPU is working. After a while it stops, and the board check status starts, but the board doesn't want to connect. I turned everything off again, took out the boot jumper and turned it back on. The card is disconnected again. Should I try inserting the SD card and using the flash all connected MCU option at the top right? Could it be that the card has some factory error and is unable to flash?
lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
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lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
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lostpexOPβ€’12mo ago
@blacksmithforlife πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Hello, Today I tried to flash the board with kiauh, and I think something was clarified. Only via USB, it doesn't recognize the board, but by adding the boot jumper, it recognizes it. So I tried to flash it via DFU, he finds the board but klipper stops immediately. Could it be that the board is defective from the factory, and that the USB connection is faulty so that the board cannot communicate but is recognised? I don't know what else to think, in the meantime I wrote to the seller of the board to ask if it could be faulty, and I'm trying to figure out what it is with other methods and by changing cables. I'm using the cable received with the board I don't think they give anything that isn't compatible with their product. Have a nice day and thank you for your time.
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’12mo ago
the screenshot shows it didn't actually flash via DFU
Serdar1976β€’11mo ago
Du you have any progress in this issue? I have the same problem....
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
Hi, yes I finally solved it but I still haven't been able to write how, because I'm working and there's never enough time. In the end I found the solution on the internet, I connected the board to the PC with USB, I updated the boot loader, and I managed to flash with a 4 GB card. If instructions are needed, I will write the procedure here over the weekend.
Serdar1976β€’11mo ago
I'm so in trouble. I have two board one ist octopus pro v1.1 723 and Manta M8P V2 bought with the same problem. I can't handle it and I'm going crazy. If you have something for me I would appreciated very much...
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
As soon as I have some time I'll write to you like I did and then see if it works.
Serdar1976β€’11mo ago
Thank you very much...πŸ™
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
Hello friends. Finally searching on the internet I solved the problem. I have to say with all honesty that BIQU's support is not the best. They couldn't direct me to the solution, but they still gave me information on how to set up the search. And since they couldn't solve it they sent me a new board, so thanks also to BIQU. Suction for boards that start but there are no further interactions and are disconnected. First follow the guide in the link (https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/blob/master/Firmware/DFU%20Update%20bootloader/Octopus-DFU%20Update%20bootloader%20-% 20en.pdf). Insert the boot jumper and connect the board to the PC (not to the RPI!) Install everything you need as explained in the guide, downloadable from this page ( https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/tree/master/Firmware/DFU%20Update%20bootloader/install%20software ), clicking on the right file name opens another page and at the top right there is the word RAW with the download icon nearby. In point 4 of the guide (Use STM32CubeProgrammer software to download) section 3 (Click Open File, select bootload.hex in the boot program folder / or in your download folder /, as show below), open the .hex file that can be downloaded from this page (https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/tree/master/Firmware/DFU%20Update%20bootloader/bootloader ), pressing again on the desired file opens a new page and at the top right find the word RAW with the download icon next to it.
BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/Firmware/DFU Update bootloader/install sof...
This is Octopus open source material. Contribute to bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0 development by creating an account on GitHub.
BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/Firmware/DFU Update bootloader/bootloader ...
This is Octopus open source material. Contribute to bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0 development by creating an account on GitHub.
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
At this point the board is visible and ready to be flashed, disconnect the board from the PC and connect to the RPI. It is possible to proceed both in DFU and with the SD card by following the Rat Rig setup wizard ( http://RatOS.local/configure?step=1 ) by changing //RatOS.local with the name of your local network. Or from the terminal with the Kiauh method, also available in DFU or with the SD card (I haven't found any tutorials but it's simple, just follow the instructions in the 4 advanced section, then 4 or 5 flash/ build & flash and then continue choosing the options with their respective numbers. If you need further information for the Kiauh method, ask, but I am sure that the method recommended by Rat Rig is more than good and simple. Once the board has been flashed, remove the SD card or the boot jumper, and to test whether everything works, connect only the thermistor cables to the board to avoid errors. If everything is working, connect the rest of the cables and test the machine with all the setup tests. I believe the method is the same with other boards as well but you will need the respective files for your boards, or look for a "bootloader update guide" for your board. I hope this information can be of help, if you need further clarification please ask. Have a good day everyone. Here, I hope it can be useful to you πŸ™‚
Serdar1976β€’11mo ago
Thank you so much for your effort. I appreciate that. I will keep you informed. BR Serdar
blacksmithforlifeβ€’11mo ago
If you had to do that, it sounds like your bootloader was messed up as those instructions are reinstalling the bootloader
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
Yes, right, I think it happens when you make a mistake in flashing the board several times repetitively.
MZβ€’11mo ago
@lostpex Thanks for putting the steps together! Was you board shown connected before downloading the bootloader? Mine isn't and I'm not sure if the connection is the problem or something else. The jumper is in place and the board is connected to PC via USB-C. Under USB devices the unknown one shows, similar to yours, but I don't see DFU connection. Is the board fried?...
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MZβ€’11mo ago
@blacksmithforlife πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Can you please look into this issue as well?
blacksmithforlifeβ€’11mo ago
What am I looking into? And why haven't you started your own post?
lostpexOPβ€’11mo ago
After connecting the board to the PC mine was visible. The boxes were all blank without any letters or numbers. After installing the hex. files, the boxes filled up and the rest of the process went smoothly. I wouldn't know what to tell you. Try installing the drivers again and see if it recognizes the board. If the PC doesn't recognize it, it could be that it's burned, but I advise you to ask other experts, I'm not sure and I don't want to give you bad advice.
MZβ€’11mo ago
Cheers! Will do! Have a great weekend! Post created - I had similar issue as @lostpex but I wasn't able to upload the bootloader. Suspecting a problem with the board itself...

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