hey...regarding frame grounding (for safety with AC powered beds.... safety in general ) Yes you might have a ground wire to your frame near your power plug. ..... BUT do yourself a favor and take an ohm meter reading around your frame parts. That black passivization on the bolts , paint on the triangles etc , is apparently a pretty good insulator/isolator. Just because you bolted it together, does guarantee electrical conductivity... even going from random 6mm bolt head to another on the same rail! You may find most of the frame is NOT grounded! (electrical continuity)
1 Reply
vhaude2y ago
That's pretty common and often actually the reason of passivization (along some others like anticorosion etc. of course). For a safe grounding of the whole frame one should make sure to connect every s metal part that doesn't have a defined potential to earth/ground in a star-configuration. One could achieve this by using self tapping metal screws tapping into the frame parts and cable lugs and cables to make sure of good contact. Then get all cables connected to a busbar of earth potential near your power inlet.

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