VC-3.1 500 - belt jumping out of flange

Hi guys, I have upgraded from VC-3.0 to 3.1 and now it seems that very soon after a print start (and also manual movement) the bottom belt is jaming as it‘s moving out of the corner flange. Is there any trick? It seens like it‘s only the right side on the motor block but everything is set correctly: - All precisions shims - Belt tightening (tried very tight and not tight)
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13 Replies
afraid-scarletOP3y ago
Again, very well tightened but the bottom belt on the right corner slips up again
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Kosmák3y ago
You might need to reallign pulley on the motor
afraid-scarletOP3y ago
I tried, will do a second time, eventhough I used a calipher to measure the distances
ptegler3y ago
screw the 'measured' distance.... when assembled.... watch the belt as it passes over the motor pulley through the little oval window. As you move your carriage... you should se a tiny bit of silver between top and bottom edges of the belt and the flanges of the pulley. If not, you need to adjust the pulley up down to center it. Odds are you will see the belt rise and fall as you reverse direction moving the carriage.
BulMaster3y ago
Any luck? I noticed this on my printer too and I had to replace a set of belts this morning
afraid-scarletOP3y ago
Yea, it‘s working now since two weeks lol Following points to mention: 1.) My issue probably was caused by not perfectly aligned pulleys. Don‘t use the distance to motor from the guide. Let them loose and then manually move the gantry to see how they behave. 2.) A guy somewhere mentioned that once the belt jumped, it will always jump back out of alignment. At first with pulleys aligned, I was confused as it still jumped out. So I used a new belt with aligned pulleys and voila. 3.) Now I‘m not using the stock belts but Gates belts. 4.) Belt tension has to be „perfect“. High enough but not too high ^^
afraid-scarletOP3y ago
I should have listened to Florent in the first place haha
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BulMaster3y ago
Thanks! I ordered these SAR 16.91 | POWGE 2MGT 2M 2GT Open Synchronous Timing belt width 3/6/9/10/15mm Rubber Samll Backlash GT2 2GT-3/2GT-6/2GT-9/2GT-15 3D printer but will be 2 weeks before they arrive. I will reassemble the motor cages Hopefully my new belt from yesterday has some life in it still
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
this is caused many times by one wrong assembled idler, in your case i you guess on the right XY joiner. happend to me as well, i put one spacer on the wrong place
BulMaster3y ago
I am having problems on the right joiner indeed. But I feel I did it correct - precision shim - ball bearings - precision shim - ball bearings - precision shim. But writing this I am thinking to check if all precision shims are the correct size, but now I feel that since the belt a bit messed up it will be problematic until I replace it again
BulMaster3y ago
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BulMaster3y ago
Literally a two days old belt 🫣 Oh yeah In the pic I downgraded from the ball bearings to see if that would make a difference since the old style pulleys have bigger flanges It didn’t especially if I bump acceleration to 6k it goes mental all over the place
interitus2y ago
>A guy somewhere mentioned that once the belt jumped, it will always jump back out of alignment. I have the same problem as you and have marked the place on the belt where it jumps of the bearing. I will get new belts and align everything properly.

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