Which RatOS2 Alpha is it ?

Hello, can anyone here tell me if this is the current RatOS2 Alpha 4? RatOS v2.x: v2.0.0-alpha1-89-gdb97df3 I had reflashed everything and assumed that I had taken the latest one (RatOS Alpha 4), but just now it showed me Dirty on RatOS and Moonrakker. I have then made a softrecovery at RatOS and was able to update it afterwards and now Moonrakker is no longer dirty, but I got a message where I was recommended to update to the latest RatOS2 Alpha 4, but I do not know whether I have just done that through the update or not, because I did not notice whether it was displayed before Dyrti or after. It is because the red fonts immediately trigger panic in me. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
5 Replies
Don't move to a new alpha release via update. You need to completely download the new version and write it to the SD card (just like the very first time)
miklschmidt3y ago
to the latest RatOS2 Alpha 4
To the latest alpha which is currently alpha 5. and yes it requires rewriting it to the pi's sd card
ratty-blushOP3y ago
Only the alpha on the SD or do I have to reflash the toolboard as well?
miklschmidt3y ago
The configurator will tell you if you need to reflash. And if you need to, since you've already flashed your boards with RatOS firmware, it's a simple click of a button.
ratty-blushOP3y ago

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