Want to change X&Y from motor outputs 1&2 to 4&5

I suspect that motor outputs 1&2 on my Manta M8P 1.1 are bad, I'd like to change the output to 4&5. I copied [stepper_x] example from the BTT Github and changed the pins to the appropriate ones, but I keep getting an error. Is there something in the base config that need to be commented out? I don't know if I'm doing it correctly so I'm unsure if it's hardware or firmware at this point.
What I have below will error when I home X&Y, it says: Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT ############################################################################################################ USER OVERRIDES Anything custom you want to add, or RatOS configuration you want to override, do it here. See: https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides ############################################################################################################# [stepper_x] step_pin: PD3 dir_pin: PD2 enable_pin: !PD5 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 #endstop_pin: ^PF3 #position_endstop: 0 #position_max: 500 #homing_speed: 50 #uart_pin: PD4 #diag_pin: PF3 [stepper_y] step_pin: PC9 dir_pin: PC8 enable_pin: !PD1 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PC1 #position_endstop: 0 #position_max: 500 #homing_speed: 50 #uart_pin: PD0
Includes & Overrides | RatOS
RatOS uses a modular configuration that heavily takes advantage of the config file include and merge logic in Klipper. For this reason, the order of includes and overrides are very important, do not change the order of the configuration unless you know what you're doing.
12 Replies
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
please upload your printer.cfg
762x39OP•12mo ago
Hope that works, I rarely do attachments on Discord.
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
and what's the error you are getting?
762x39OP•12mo ago
Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT BTW: Z seems to be OK which leads me to believe the entire board isn't toast.
762x39OP•12mo ago
I did set the jumpers, I'll verify when I get home from work tonight. It's possible that the drivers were damaged along with the motor ports. I need to know that l have it configured correctly to make that determination.
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
@miklschmidt - mind looking the config over? I am not well versed enough to know if something is missing when trying to use a different driver port
miklschmidt•12mo ago
you're missing the TMC sections
762x39OP•12mo ago
Ok, I wasn't sure if that was already covered in the include being as Z is working. So add this?: Motor4 #[tmc2209 stepper_X] #uart_pin: PD4 ##diag_pin: PC0 #run_current: 0.800 #stealthchop_threshold: 999999 Motor5 #[tmc2209 srepper_Y] #uart_pin: PD0 #run_current: 0.800 #stealthchop_threshold: 999999
miklschmidt•12mo ago
yes without the #'s obviously, and with stealthchop_threshold: 0 or 1, you don't want them to run stealthchop 🙂
762x39OP•12mo ago
Finally got around to do some tinkering. No errors until I try to home. Then I get this: TMC 'stepper_y' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 00130050 s2vsa=1(ShortToSupply_A!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) cs_actual=19
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Bad stepper cable crimps 🙂

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