
For a project, I would like to build a RatRig printer and control it using RatOS. The printer should have the ability to automatically stay an exact height away from the substrate it prints on. To achieve this, I would use, for example, a laser sensor to determine the distance continuously (active control). See image for clarification. My question now is whether it is possible to add/programme this option without problems? For this printer, I would also replace the print nozzle with a nozzle of my own design.
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6 Replies
I would think you would need to modify klipper to handle this.
RRBender2y ago
I don't know how he did it but I think this guy made something that can do live Z adjustments, maybe check out his github:
Installing for Klipper
Auto bed level with High resolution distance sensor - markniu/Bed_Distance_sensor
RRBender2y ago
here is a video where he shows the live Z adjust:
Pandapi Print 3D
High resolution inductive distance sensor for 3D printer
miklschmidt2y ago
It doesn't do real time adjustments in klipper unfortunately. afaik it requires significant changes to the way klipper handles positioning. The board itself only accepts motion commands from the klippy host on the pi, and those are buffered and batched.
RRBender2y ago
Ahh too bad, it was really impressive looking at the bedsheet being lifted yet the print continuing perfectly.
ptegler2y ago
Marku's design uses non-standard I2C command architecture to talk to the BD sensor, which conflicts with Klipper. Only advantage is it's FAST! But you must load a Klipper to use it. I've had one on the shelf since near day one, as I like supporting the little entrepreneur out there. But I've never mounted it other than to play with the initial code architecture. Still needs a LOT of work. It works with RepRap, but not klipper. (reliably)

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