Different Stepper Motor Wiring Configuration
Okay so i just setup RatOS, everithing works well, nothing burned down powering the board up. I setup printer.cfg and all temp sensors are working. I'm using a BTT Manta M8P and i wired all the stepper motors differently not acording to the RatOS wiring diagram, so i would have shorter cables and cleaner wiring for my exact setup. Looking back, it was a mistake, and i just created a problem, but the wires are already cut to size so there is no going back...
How and Where do I change the pinout of the stepper drivers/motors so it works like it was supposted to?...
75 Replies
How and Where do I change the pinout of the stepper drivers/motors so it works like it was supposted toas always, the USER OVERRIDES section something like where you replace <PIN NAME> with the name of the pin from the pinout diagram
@blacksmithforlife which is the back z motor? is it left back right?
and xy are AB right?
from front of machine
left motor: z
back motor: z1
right motor: z2
yes good thank you
what went wrong
did what you told me to do
problem with this i think
upload your printer.cfg please
here it is
this doesn't look at all like the ratos template...
it is just deleted some parts of the #text i won't use
but that didn't create the issue
i haven't messed with anything else
ok. you have 2 options:
1) instead of using the direct pin names, use the aliases defined in RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg
2) copy RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg to the same directory that your printer.cfg is at, edit it to remove the stepper aliases and then import it using
[include myMantaConfig.cfg]
its my first time working with klipper so i don't really know what i'm doing... how can i use the aliases in the RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg?
can you show me an example please?
nor do i understand the second option do you mean delete everything after this [board_pins manta_m8p_tmc2209] up to this [mcu]? or just uart pins?
I suggest you do #2 if you don't know what you are doing.
so do this:
* copy RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg to the same directory as printer.cfg and name it myMantaConfig.cfg
* in myMantaConfig.cfg delete lines 11-15
* in your printer.cfg comment out line 9
* add on line 10
[include myMantaConfig.cfg]
did exactly what you wrote
i don't get it
Ahh, copy that back in from RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg
or alternatively, copy RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/config.cfg again into myMantaConfig.cfg, and each time it complains that pin XYZ is an alias for something, delete that alias in myMantaConfig.cfg
deleted 2 uart pins
and got this
i very much appreciate you trying to help..
is there really no simple way to do this?
try this
same error i had the 1st time
in myMantaConfig.cfg instead of z1_uart_pin=PD14
the uart is from the CS row in the blue colored table on the right hand sideGot no error
thanks hope it works
when i tried to home x
Double check the pinouts diagram and make sure your z1 is referencing the correct pin
wait you meant change all of the pins?
i thought to just change the uart
same thing happened when i tried to extrude
you mean to change all the pins in the mymantaconfig so it matches this?
You need to make sure you are referencing the correct pins. Since I have no idea how you setup your motors I can't help more
i sent pictures
Sorry I missed it earlier. I'm not at my computer currently, but that pinouts diagram has everything you need
That blue table on the right hand side has all the pins per each motor port
Make sure they match your overrides and the other pins are correct in your myMantaConfig
so change all the pins in mymantaconfig so they match the printer.cfg
which one in the pinout is the diag pin?
changed everithing acording to the pinout except diag pin don't know where to find that
still getting the same error for unknown reson
They're your end stop ports (in orange near the top of the pinouts diagram)
maybe time for solution 1?
it doesn't seem to work i tried extruder and it works but for some reson loading and unloading fillament in same direction wth
Sure. Copy the original manta config into your manta config, keep the aliases but change the pins to the correct ones. Then remove your overrides
overrides in printer.cfg?
When homing x only x stepper moves...
homed x succesfuly
the bed is moving
the extruder is moving as it should
i was using the manta m8p 1.0 pinout diagram then scroled down and noticed a 1.1 diagram changed some pins replaced a stepper driver added one jumper i missed for some reson and everithing is working as expected
many mistakes were made
thanks a lot for the support and patience i will most likeley be back here soon 😄
glad to help. next time you know to follow the documentation to save yourself this pain
hey one more thing please
when i go to home y the printer tries to destroy itself by hitting the rear leadscrew
how can i prevent that?
picture please
of what is hitting the leadscrew
the toolhead good sir
the duct is thicc
picture will help better, could be a number of things (leadscrew isn't seated properly, etc)
i need to make it home with the toolhead off center
you shouldn't have to do that
if not it tries to destroy itself
im using vzhead ratrig
are you sure the leadscrew is seated completely in the coupler?
the leadscrew is fine
You can't just adjust for the homing, your toolhead will run into this in other conditions
Better would be to adjust the Y endstop so it is triggered sooner
it would have to be like 5cm longer...
either that or cut your leadscrew (which if you ever change your hotend means you might not have the height you need)
Rat Rig Vcore 3.1 500x500 My Features Tour Setup
a quick overview of my ratrig 500
sensorless homing
custom idlers tensioner
VZ bot carriage
octopus 1.1
hes using sensorless but he made it work
made a longer endstop...
@blacksmithforlife how do i make a bedmesh with beacon probe? i'm getting a "Move out of range: 20.000 -7.000 2.000 [0.000]" error
already ran a beacon_calibrate
not sure, I don't own a beacon probe
its the same for all probes
did you adjust your offsets since isn't the beacon in a different position than the inductive probes?
how fucked am i?
is the gantry bowed up?
make a post in #fix-my-mesh and watch https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1047104248682385468
yup im watching it rn
and already adjusted it
its the best i could get it ...
make a post in #fix-my-mesh
just did