11 Replies
All guides point to http://ratos.local/configure?step=1 which doesn't workwhat do you mean by this?
this opens an empty RatOS screen
maybe because I'm still running v1?
or dont' have any configurator addon
yeah, that version isn't supported anymore. You should move to ratos 2.x
has all documentation for v1 been removed?
that seems a bit premature 😦
it was deprecated last May...
I don't print that much, much am stuck now
Can you help me with the cmd line to flash it manually?
you're not stuck, the path is to upgrade to ratos 2.0
Oh I will, but can't at the moment
why not?
for one because I have very little time now and can't even find how
this seems like a lot of work
RatOS v2 is not backwards compatible with RatOS v1, you will have to reflash your Raspberry Pi and start over with a new configuration template. Use your old printer.cfg for reference values.
never mind... fixed it using sd