RatOS fails to connect to WiFi on reboot
I’m working on adjusting camera settings and as such need to restart frequently. I’d say 60% of the time my pi won’t connect to WiFi again. It creates the RatOS hotspot and I can connect to it. When I do I check the configuration and see the attached error.
I can keep restarting and eventually it connects but it’s a bit of a hassle. Any ideas?

13 Replies
Also is there any way to refresh the wifi connection other than just rebooting the host every time
I could have sworn this was answered somewhere but struggling to find it. But I think this should work, run it at the pi command line
Hm can I run that from the ratOS console? I am getting errors when trying it.
I am guessing that needs to be ran on the pi via SSH but I can't do that when it won't connect on wifi 😅
if you can reach the configurator, you can reach the pi
If you couldn't connect at all, then you wouldn't be at the ratos console, right?
I am doing that from my phone / ipad when it creates the RatOS hotspot. Not sure if I can SSH from either of those, never used an app for that before
Oof, yeah. Try plugging it into ethernet while you're working on this?
But also, it should reconnect properly. I don't know enough to help, but you might be able to drop a logfile in here for someone else to look at WHY it is failing to connect to your wifi
Yeah I have not had this issue with my VC3 running an older pi. I can drop a log just not sure which one will be helpful
same :/
So much to learn still! I will see if I can at least get an SSH client on one of my wireless devices to try to restart the WPA when it happens next time
Appreciate the help!
I don't know if you're still getting this issue, but I sometimes get this issue due to me having a screen running klipperscreen connected. If I disconnect it it will connect to the WiFi. I think it has to do with an update in klipperscreen.
klipperscreen may be trying to manage your wifi for you.. They dropped everything but network manager a long time ago but if that's somehow present on your system (it shouldn't be), it'll make your wifi life a nightmare.
Hm I do not have a screen attached but could that still be affecting it? Any way to disable klipperscreen if that is the case?
No, klipperscreen is only initialized if there's a screen connected.