Print holes between layerszits

First picture is two prints using the same settings first print (right) is mostly fine other than a pressure advance issue. Second print (left) has some nasty seams, what looks like holes between the layers. Second pic has clearer image of uneven layers. Both printed in pla with a .6mm nozzle at 205 c, 200mm/s speed, 6000mm/s acceleration. Layer height of .48mm. Any idea what would cause the massive variation between these prints and how to avoid it in the future?
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3 Replies
sherbs3y ago
A bit hard to say why they are so different... I tend to think that 205c is generally too low for 200mm/s on a 0.6 nozzle... You may just not be able to flow enough plastic at that speed. It's possible that the smaller piece comes out better assuming that the slicer is slowing you a bit to maintain a minimum layer time... All speculation really but first thing I'd try is going up to 220c, or slowing to 80 or 100 mm/s, see if that improves things
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
I'll try that in the morning then
elco3y ago
Or even just not reaching the speeds due to acceleration, it slows down for every corner reducing average speed. More temperature, more cooling!

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