octopus 1.1 usb over serial canbus "Option 'serial' is not valid in section 'mcu'
I'm building a ratrig 400.
I'm having an octopus v1.1 with an EBB36 v1.2 toolboard.
I'm running the system with the BTT PAD 7 with a CB1 as control board, so no rpi.
To minimise the cables I decided to use the octopus in usb over serial mode. (I read the docs and I know it is prefered to use the toolhead via usb)
I have configured the canbus uuid in the printer.cfg section, but Klipper is stil complaining about "Option 'serial' is not valid in section mcu" .
Is there a way to let klipper ignore the serial section?
[mcu toolboard]
canbus_uuid: 33434d36cd5e
canbus_uuid: 31c3100c6056
2 Replies
future-harlequin•2y ago
You shouldn't need the canbus config at all as using over usb doesn't require it. Did you flash the ebb36 with the ratos flashing wizard?
I'm not using the canbus over USB. I flashed everything manually.
I'm just wondering how remove a part of the config in klipper without editing the source configuration file.