32 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
looks nice
extended-salmon•2y ago
Im typeing, but yes So I started a print, here's what I get. CHANGED EXTRUDER: I used to run a bmg, now on a orbiter 2.0. When I load the filament, and tighten the knob it starts to tick, not click, but like a tick, there is no sound but rather just a little tick I can feel if I hold the filament. BUT, when I loosen the knob it starts to push filament, and it has a bit of pull to it, but I'm not sure at its best ablity, like I said I have never used this extruder before. So is it normal to have the knob burly tight on the orbiter? Running petg STOCK PROFILE SS: Nothing has been changed. ALSO, Using ratos 2.0. In the end its underextrusion and I don't know why. Very much so, its sexy
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
check if the grub screw is loose form the bondtech gear inside the extruder
extended-salmon•2y ago
Its a orbiter?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
it still has bondtech gears
extended-salmon•2y ago
So I need to open, My brand new kekw 😂 .
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
extended-salmon•2y ago
Oh good
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
the two gears that transport your filament just open the lever
extended-salmon•2y ago
No, its not loose
elco•2y ago
sanity check: you did include the orbiter config and commented out the bmg?
extended-salmon•2y ago
yes, although I don't know which to use Like, one says to use this if you are using this mottor? And i dont know
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Just use the regular orbiter one
extended-salmon•2y ago
Okay i did any ideas though?
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Upload your printer.cfg
extended-salmon•2y ago
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Why did you put things not in the user overrides section?
extended-salmon•2y ago
because I did not make this cfg for the eludid stuff ( what i think your talking about) and the original file said to copy and paste the rest of your cfg below this line(no longer in my cfg so you wont see that text), so that's what I did. It dose not change anything as you were ment to comment out some stuff. I have been running this way, WAYYYYYYYYYYY before I started using ratos 2.0. Always worked fine, not saying ratos 2.0 is causing my problems. I feel like its the lack of knolage and how to use a orbitor
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
no, there is a specific order to things. You can't just put it wherever you want in that printer.cfg. The order matters because things below override items above...
extended-salmon•2y ago
Ok So what should I do Put it in the overrides @blacksmithforlife https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/878966049616297984/931415707034480680
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
I have no idea what this is about you should probably start over with a new ratos template and then add in your changes in the user overrides section and if something requires it be outside the user overrides section you should really understand why and the implications of that
extended-salmon•2y ago
Well if you remember what I said, this is not my cfg, a community member made of this CFG file and this is where I got it from. If you open the original file, you can see that it says to copy and paste the rest of your CFG here. If you would, please look or just give me one moment and I will just give you the CFG. I have never ran into a problem and I don’t see why this can affect my extruder problem right now as it doesn’t even affect X or Y
extended-salmon•2y ago
extended-salmon•2y ago
Here it is
extended-salmon•2y ago
SOLVED: wrong cfg selected
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blacksmithforlife•2y ago
the only thing different about that config is the run current
extended-salmon•2y ago
I figured! It seems obvious, just was not thinking about it Till I looked at the orbitor site
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
If you use too high of a run current your stepper is going to get really hot and that can cause filament to become soft
extended-salmon•2y ago
This is normal. For sure @blacksmithforlife any ideas?
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extended-salmon•2y ago
Turning up the extrusion helped, think it may just be set to low
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
you have
variable_relative_extrusion: False
But I bet your slicer is set to true
extended-salmon•2y ago
Okay. I will look later
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