Changing hottend cfg help
I just moved over from the dragon to a Paetos rapido UHF. Not by default the hottemd temp is always 160c
34 Replies
I have this in the cfg file.

Please upload your entire printer.cfg
I believe that there are two versions of the rapido with two different thermistors... Likely you'll need to account for this in your config
rival-black•3y ago
Did not know I could do that.
as Sherbs mentioned the Rapido can come with different thermistors. Which one did you get?
rival-black•3y ago
I am going to make a logical deduction here and say that it is the older one as the listing and included packaging says nothing about it being a PT1000
And in that packaging what thermistor does it say to use?
rival-black•3y ago
Uh its a Rapedo So the thermistor is built into the heater.
rival-black•3y ago
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I was using a generic prusa thermistor in the dragon hottend i had on here before.
Yes I know it's built in, that's why you need the information from the manufacturer as to what to use for the thermistor.
Hint: look at the product description
rival-black•3y ago
Ok I can confirm it definitely is a PT1000.
Now you should check the rapido config and see if it is using pt1000
rival-black•3y ago
Just had time toninght to look into this gain. Here is what mine has. It says not to modify this file in the header though. I see the min temp is 170C is that my problem?
rival-black•3y ago

rival-black•3y ago
Or should I just edit it to heater_pin: e_heater_pinsensor_type: PT1000sensor_pin: e_sensor_pin
No need to change the sensor pin or heater pin
If you need to change the value, you over write it by putting it in your printer.cfg
You only ever edit the printer.cfg file
rival-black•3y ago
You also should put it in the USER OVERRIDES section
rival-black•3y ago
I did but still getting an error. I must have something labeled wrong.

You did save and restart klipper right?
Also please upload your entire printer.cfg please
rival-black•3y ago
Yes I am always doing the save and restart.
and what is the error you are getting now?
rival-black•3y ago
I am not home so had the wife send me this.

line 121 you misspelled heater_pin. But you don't need that line at all as you are just repeating the default. So remove line 121 and 123.
rival-black•3y ago
Thank you. I will try it tonight when I get home.
I think its the same error still.
rival-black•3y ago
rival-black•3y ago

You can't just put it wherever you want. They have to go under the applicable section. You just have
sensor_type: PT1000
. That line needs to go in its proper place, which is under [extruder]
rival-black•3y ago
It works! Erika!.
So I just eliminated it entirely from the extruder section and just kept the data in the user configeration section.
Thank you for putting up with all my questions. I would have given up on this thing by now otherwise
You're welcome, hope your new hotend works better
So far it seams to.