Beacon leadscrew safe_home_x

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to set my safe_home_x position to a couple mm off center so my beacon probe doesn't hit my z leadscrew. I'm using the beacon recommended code but that doesn't seem to change where the default bounce back position is. [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 107.5, 90 # update for your machine z_hop: 3 I'm going to chop a couple mm off the top of my screw next week but until then is there something obvious I'm missing?
9 Replies
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loganlucklessOP2y ago
I will as soon as I get back home
miklschmidt2y ago
That is not a safe way to do it, you should limit your max y instead. You can do that by extending the Y endstop and changing position_max and position_endstop under [stepper_y].
loganlucklessOP2y ago
I have done that but even with the maximum adjustment of the y end stop the beacon still hits the leadscrew. The default behavior has the x axis home then go to center of the bed. When the y axis then homes it hits the screw. Is there a way to change that bounce back behavior?
miklschmidt2y ago
There's an extended endstop on printables
miklschmidt2y ago
Please only do this temporarily, because you will damage your beacon eventually if you don't fix it properly.
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miklschmidt2y ago
Also delete [safe_z_home]. It's not a thing in RatOS v2. Alternatively you can use sensorless homing on Y, then you only need to change position_max since it homes at the front
loganlucklessOP2y ago
Thanks, that should fix it until I can trim down that leadscrew. I haven't hit the beacon yet and hopefully that'll never happen. Unfortunately I'm running 5160s and I hear sensorless is not great if it works at all on them.
miklschmidt2y ago
It works fine on 5160's, it's just a different setup process

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