Newly built V-Core, ringing like crazy
I’ve just put this thing together and done my first few test prints. The ringing and corner bulging is extreme, even though I’m only doing 120mms at 3k accel. I’m guessing this is from something mechanical, the resonances can’t be this bad at this slow speed, right? I tensioned the belts a little extra and it got worse. I just don’t know where to start with this issue.
11 Replies
The side you are looking at is on the Y axis. The X axis side looks better
I’ve checked the all the idlers, they’re all good
Could it be power supply problems and the energy flutctuates a lot while printing? Maybe your power supply is not strong enough is all the mechanical parts are ok. Slow electronics could also cause that
Hmm it could theoretically be that but I have the stock weho PSU which seems to be enough normally, and I’m really not pushing the motors hard here.
Perhaps my belt is binding or too sloppy or something. Will be easier to check once I get my accelerometer
belt tension is important but also making sure it maintains its tension because I've seen tight belts that stretch or move vertically and that never helps
Print faster.
Vcore 3 can't print so slowly 😄
Also I heard you get resonances in the 100-150mm/s range. Go to 200mm/s or <100.
And obviously do the input shaper tuning if you have to already
Yeah I haven’t got an accelerometer yet so I don’t really know what the Goldilocks speeds are yet, it could be bad speed yeah. And no input shaping either obviously.
I’ve ordered an ADXL though, should arrive sometime next week, then I might be able to sort some of this stuff out.
The weirdest thing is that these problems only appear on this specific PETG. I can sort of feel the same sort of corner bulging on PLA but it’s invisible
Yea, you can't make it work without doing input shaper calibration. It is mandatory.
measure the distance between the ripples, if it is 2mm it is most likely belt related.
Either they are way to tight or too loose.
I wouldn't go that far. I had my vcore3.1 printing quite nicely before getting my EBB42 w/ ADXL.
They are in fact not spaced 2mm.
I can check when my adxl arrives but i believe the belts are tensioned correctly, i tuned them by sound according to what Prav wrote in the vc3 channel
I mean you won't get it printing fast without artifacts unless you do input shaping.
Otherwise print at 60mm/s 😛