VC4 500 Comissioning mesh

Hey guys, I'm trying to follow the comissioning steps but my mesh looks absolutely horrible. I've never seen a bow in this direction so I'm not quite sure what to do from here - I've tried getting the frame more square to get the corners up, but that didn't help the bow. Additionally I've tried to reinstall the x linear rail just in case I fucked that up - but no matter what I do I get this extreme bow. If I hover on one of those points its a difference of 0.288mm. Does anyone have a suggestion for this?
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40 Replies
archen4mo ago
Pull the gantry upwards by hand Your x gantry is bowing and that also makes your back corners low.. Once you get the gantry straight you will have a good mesh Just pull in the middle with some force. If you pull too much, just push it back down. Expect some force is needed
KyreusOP4mo ago
Thanks for the tip
KyreusOP4mo ago
it definitely got better, but I'm already pulling up very hard and this is the best it gets
archen4mo ago
When you mounted the rail, did you tighten the screws evenly from one side to the other? It's important you screw them one by one from one side to the other
KyreusOP4mo ago
Yes, i started from the left and went to the right - I can unscrew it one more time and screw them back in just in case - give me a few minutes
archen4mo ago
It's also important that you torque them evenly. Ideally with a torquewrench
KyreusOP4mo ago
What nm amount? Then I'll try that
KyreusOP4mo ago
seems to not get better with rescrewing it
archen4mo ago
Something is not right. Did you run Z tilt after adjusting? Your gantry is still bending a lot 1Nm
KyreusOP4mo ago
yeah I always run z tilt before meshing
KyreusOP4mo ago
do you still think it's the gantry? I've turned the extrusion by 90 degrees same result
archen4mo ago
Something is wrong with your Z tilt
KyreusOP4mo ago
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KyreusOP4mo ago
For me it looks like it's a bed issue tbh
KyreusOP4mo ago
That's what I held against it
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dickpoop4mo ago
@Kyreus did you ever figure this out? I have an almost identical mesh on my 500
KyreusOP4mo ago
Well - I have a replacement bed which arrived today - I won't be able to test it on the weekend tho, but I'll update you
dickpoop4mo ago
Did RR swap it out for you or did you have to buy a new one?
KyreusOP4mo ago
they swapped it out
dickpoop4mo ago
Awesome, I'd really appreciate an update whenever you get a chance to swap them out
KyreusOP4mo ago
@dickpoop I just switched out the beds and I'm pretty sure it was a bed issue - but hard to tell since my new bed is even worse xD I reran the mesh right before switching bed, this was the before:
KyreusOP4mo ago
and now it looks like this:
dickpoop4mo ago
Holy shit
KyreusOP4mo ago
I'm fucking pissed - I have to pay for every shipment the fucking import taxes - the've sent me the first bed seperatly because it wasn't available while they shipped the rest of the printer - so already two times the import tax - now I got another bed - again I have to pay the import taxes - and now what? They send me another one and I have to pay again? fucking shit show right now
dickpoop4mo ago
What does the bed look like? Seems like a warp that bad would be easily visibly noticeable
KyreusOP4mo ago
Do I have to say anything?
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dickpoop4mo ago
Papalorian4mo ago
I just finished my VC500 and my mesh looks like it has a transmission tunnel running down the middle from front to back. I checked my bed before installing and it was flat. That really sucks Kyreus, hope they make it right.
KyreusOP4mo ago
So you have a bed mesh even with a flat bed?
Papalorian3mo ago
Yeah my bed was flat, I checked it from every direction and corner to corner with a machinists straight edge and it was flat. I have come to the conclusion that the 2020 extrusion is too flimsy for the 500 size. My extrusion was also flat and straight before installing, but after getting the belts adjusted correctly, there is deflection. I did end up pulling up the middle pretty hard and got rid of most of the transmission tunnel. I have spent days on this mesh and I finally got it down to .246 variance, but it still looks terrible far as I am concerned.
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KyreusOP3mo ago
well for the 500 you want a variance of about 0.25 and I think you are just below that aren't you? Glad you got your extrusion fixed - I'll have to pull it up more too - but last time I pulled very hard and i'm kind of scared of breaking everything :KEKW: right now i'm waiting on bed number 3 so lets see
Papalorian3mo ago
Yeah I am just below but I still think it's ugly for all the work I did. I really think the 500 needs a stronger X extrusion. Those belts exert some serious force once tightened and you know how much easier it is to flex something that is long rather than short. i bet that extrusion is deflecting variably during motion not to mention the general sag in the middle. I read a post on another thread they were ordering a titanium rod to reinforce the extrusion. Not a bad idea except for the expense of titanium and all the work of tearing it back apart to install. I wouldn't pull on your extrusion unless you can see an obvious low spot with your staight edge. I could see light in the middle on mine, which is why I finally did that. it was not like that until the belts were adjusted, I checked it with the same straight edge. This mesh was with bed at 70 and hotend at 150, and I let it heat soak for about 30 mins. The mesh looks way worse at room temp.
KyreusOP3mo ago
from what I read on the toro3d site where they sell those titanium tubes they won't be flat either - but at least they do have a consistent bend over time which you could fix with kapton tape if you'd like. but as long as the bend doesn't change the mesh algorithm should do it's thing
archen3mo ago
My ti-tube is very flat I planned on using shims but not needed Got 0.07-0.09 mesh without any modifications
KyreusOP3mo ago
that's nice - I've ordered one too hopefully with the tube and the new bed everything will work now

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