V-Minion Z-Axis won´t move when trying to home.

I am setting up my V-Minion right now and homing x and y works perfectly fine but Z does not move at all. Not sure what the problem is. I also added my printer.cfg Hope you guys are able to help me ty in advance.
19 Replies
miklschmidt15mo ago
What probe? Your config seems to indicate an inductive probe. Does the light turn on/off when you hold metal to it?
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
I got the super pinda from the rat rig shop I will try the metal the light turns off when i hold metal to it changed the printer.cfg to superpinda.cfg instead of probe.cfg but still no lockl
miklschmidt15mo ago
so far so good And you checked by holding metal to it and running QUERY_ENDSTOPS or refreshing the status in the Machine tab? @freddimura It's not just because your probe is too high relative to the nozzle? I completely missed this for some reason: fine but Z does not move at all. That's probably what we should be looking at, and not your probe facepalm sorry Does it move when you run SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION and press the up / down arrows in Mainsail? If no, check that your Z stepper cable is properly connected and properly crimped in both ends (verify with the wiring diagram).
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
okay i have no clue what just happend i switched to stepperdriver slot to motor 3 and turned the printer on and then the toolhead started to smoke. I cut power immidiatly
miklschmidt15mo ago
The toolhead started to smoke? From what exactly? I mean what component
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
not sure
miklschmidt15mo ago
I think it's safe to say you have some wiring issues 😄 post some pictures, so we can help you sort it out and replace the part that let out the magic smoke 😄
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
alright i will take some pictures
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
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fascinating-indigo15mo ago
i am using a sanyo 4028 for part cooling and a noctua for hotend also orbiter filament sensor
what is that single yellow wire in the endstop for?
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
It’s from the orbiter filament sensor
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
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fascinating-indigo15mo ago
Okay something precious must have fried my board that’s also probably the cause for the z Motor not working *previous It did turn on afterwards and everything so maybe only the slot is dead
miklschmidt15mo ago
this isn't inserted correctly, so that'll fry it. It does look like that happened to z0 slot too Hard to determine the damage from here. Could just be the step stick.
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
okay so what do i do from here?
miklschmidt15mo ago
New driver / new board. Maybe both.
ptegler15mo ago
yep... board looks like it simply saw the extension of a stepstick burning up...board looks like it's just the receptor of the stepstick chip explosion and odds are it's ok BUT PAYOR...board might just fry a newly inserted new stepstick
fascinating-indigo15mo ago
Okay I’ll get a new board I got some spare drivers thanks for the help!!