Brand new to 3D printers...need a little help with my PT1000
Hi, I've just done a preliminary wiring job for my V-Minion and I'm trying to get my printer.cfg correct for the PT1000 in my hot end. I've added the sensor type to my user overrides, but the thermistor is reading -70°C. It's wired to the pins next to the Max chip on my Octopus Pro V1.0 429. Can anyone point me (and my temp reading) in the right direction? I have a 2-wire version and set the jumpers on the Octopus accordingly. Thanks
5 Replies
Don't use the MAX chip. It caused all sorts of problems for me. Multiple times it just stopped reading the temperature, and it was so slow that even after PID tuning multiple times it would still swing the temperature by +/-2⁰. Just use the regular thermistor port and set the type to pt1000
connect your temp sensor on the regular port as RatOS docs describe
and just change sensor type to PT1000
rival-blackOP•3y ago
Thanks for the quick feedback. I’ll give that a try tomorrow.
@mitsuma Ok, I've connected the PT1000 to the regular thermistor port and added the sensor type PT1000 in my it's reading 170-ish °C. What else have I missed? I tried adding the step-up resistor at 4700 but it reads the same. thanks.
Double check your wiring, sounds like there might be a break or bad connection
rival-blackOP•3y ago
I went back to the latest full release of RatOs and it worked right away.