Toolboard: 4028 Fan wired correctly but behaving inverted.

Basically the title. Ive tried all manners of trying to the the pin to invert in klipper and nothing seams to be working. Here is the config section: [fan] pin: !toolboard:fan_part_cooling_pin tachometer_pin: ^toolboard:PB8 tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005 enable_pin: PA2 shutdown_speed: 0.0 cycle_time: 0.00004 One weird thing is that even if I put a random port on the pin line. The fan still is controllable with the slider but just inverted. Even if I delete the whole line, nothing changes. The behavior is as follows. 0% = Fan off 1% = 100 fan 50% = 50% 85% = 0%
13 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
please share your complete printer.cfg
D00M-_OP•2y ago
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
it cant work first you added your fan config and later you include the default toolbaord config you need to add your custom pin config AFTER the default include it gets overwritten put it in the override section
D00M-_OP•2y ago
That was it! there should be somewhere write this. I logically thought that the printer config should be in the printer config section but this is a toolboard config
D00M-_OP•2y ago
omg ive been doing this all wrong:))) i never used the overreides section ever always used the printer config section damn thx :))
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
D00M-_OP•2y ago
im a move everything in there now
like-gold•2y ago
I have the same problem as described above did I do something wrong in my .cfg filel?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
put your fan config in the user override section
like-gold•2y ago
ty You are a hero 🙂 working like a charm
like-gold•2y ago
I did but I didn't think it was needed to override. I probably pasted it to the wrong section

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