Is this a z-offset issue?
The brim looks fine, but when it actually starting printing the object it’s super smooshed .
39 Replies
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
i can't see jack-shit on this picture
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
It’s printing, just I don’t like how much it extrudes in the beginning
I’m gonna be laying down some super small circle and it’s gonna come off I feel
rare-sapphire•3y ago
offset looks ok from what i can tell but you are definitely over extruding
and you have to calibrate Pressure Advance 😉
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
Why do I HAVE to
I’m just curious
I never have
My flow is at 0.95EM
To much for for rapido?
rare-sapphire•3y ago
because your corner has indents behind it meaning there is Material missing at that spot meaning your PA is probaply to high
rare-sapphire•3y ago
that value says nothing, you have to calibrate EM for every single Filament, Values can go from 80-99% usually depending on how Thick the 1,75mm in reality really is
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
It was calabrated for this
So what should I start with them? Setting my Em to 1 and then tuneing pa
I bet there’s a guide
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
follow Ellis Print Tuning guide
rare-sapphire•3y ago
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
Link? I don’t k or who tat is
Are these your first prints? Or were you getting good prints before?
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
My first
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
I have been following the guide, and this is what I got
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
Well, I don't know how to say this. But you either followed them very poorly, or you have other problems 😅
Did you use the super slicers integrated calibration prints for flow testing for example?
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
No, I followed the guide and it said not to use that. 😬
I mean, I have had 3d printers for awhile now. I do know how to follow the guides
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
Fair enough.
There are some tests integrated in SS which are quite handy. Use them
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
I’m aware. I used to
I have actually been printing for awhile now, just not with quality
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
After you have done, recheck with such a cube. If you still. Have problems like this then, they are most likely mechanical, given you're not some crazy settings
I don't know the model Ofc, but those corners look pretty round
What size nozzle is that? Definitely looks like you are pushing way too much plastic
That top Z is showing over extrusion. So you need to tune your extrusion multiplier better
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
0.6 I calibrated my EM. But it seems different… I followed the guide correctly, I have done this many times jusr with different machines and methods
It was tuned to 0.9EM so like 0.8?
What are you using for nozzle size and width/flow in your slicer?
harsh-harlequin•3y ago
it does not help to throw around random numbers, just do the test prints and set it accordingly
because you're not even in the ballpark where you should be atm
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
I did, and 90% or 0.9 looked the best
I think, like others have mentioned, you probably need to start from the beginning with full reset.... Start w 0.4 nozzle, load up the default rr profile for PLA. Then test & refine from there. Also looks like you are using the rapido uhf but your cooling ducts aren't accounting for the extra nozzle length - I'd revert back to hf (or fix the ducts) as well until you get good prints as your cooling settings won't be as effective as-is.
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
I don’t have 0.4?
Then I'd say start with supplied profile for whatever plastic you are using and change only nozzle size to match... See what you get from that point and adjust according to the tuning guide
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
It’s so weird, I know you all think I’m crazy but I’m not lol. I followed the guide as of how I should, but your right, I have never calibrated a v-core 3.1. I don’t know what to say?
The guide gave me a flow rate of 0.9
What guide are you referring to? Andrew Ellis? Either way, if you are referring to 0.9 extrusion mult when you speak of flow rate, that's likely a fine place to start.. I don't think that's your issue though... EM isn't going to over extrude that much...
It's likely misconfiguration of extruder, or just bad slicer settings... That's why myself and others are suggesting a clean start with default slicer profile
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
Okay! Good idea thanks
I will let you know how it gose
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
Default profile with the correct nozzle diameter settings
The top layer looks much better! So I wouldn't adjust EM and instead would play with other settings
@smiley1164 much better! I'd say next step is to get your cooling sorted out so that those fan ducts aren't so high relative to the nozzle... Then experiment with temps & cooling
What type of plastic is that?
And, for now, disable pressure advance if any happens to be in use
wise-whiteOP•3y ago
Yea it’s useing 0.025 PA
Whare can I find the UHF duct @blacksmithforlife
@sherbs you know?
Like what settings?
All of them are applicable, that's why the slicer makes them available for editing.