ResHelper on RatOs?
I'm still getting ringing on my printer even after an input shaper tune, and it was suggested I tune my damping ratio using this script -
I see that this script also has the functionality of putting the graphs in the config folder, which I know RatOs does. Any idea if that will cause issues?
GitHub - lhndo/ResHelper: A series of scripts designed to streamlin...
A series of scripts designed to streamline Klipper's resonance testing workflow. - GitHub - lhndo/ResHelper: A series of scripts designed to streamline Klipper's resonance testing workflow.
18 Replies
Should be fine. Let me know if it helps, would be easy to add the calculations to RatOS. I think you'll probably have better luck runing the tuning tower to progressively increase the damping ratio though, but worth a shot i guess.
@MarschallMarc what do you think? Worth adding?
Not a fan of this kind of implementation with shell scripts in the first place. Have to look at the algorithm when I am back in the office
Sorry, accidentally removed your reaction by misclick xD
That's ok lol
It comes from this btw:
Calculating the damping ratio for your hardware:
Calculating the damping ratio for your hardware:. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
I would assume it would've made it into the mainline klipper scripts if it was actually worthwhile though.
Fun part is: the power calculation in klipper is wrong
So using it to calculate different stuff...
I never minded so far as it made no difference, but here it does.
Also it assumes too many things in terms of how the resonances occur and how the peak is shaped. It's oversimplified.
However, it would not be hard to do it MUCH better by using sth like peak finder in scipy
And this way you don't need to run obscure R scripts
The choice of R to be called via bash in a python program (told to do so via gcode) is kinda baffling as well, tbh.
If we really want that in RatOS I would rather take the time to reimplement it, to be perfectly honest.
From the resonace calculator in klipper
You cant just add those numbers
Those are directional and P is the product of the vectors
So you cant just calculate it for components and add it
It has to be instead
The peaks are still the same positions usually, but the ratio is different
And unfortunately the script is using those exact ratios to calculate the dampening ratio.
Also with the ei stuff, this is a super wonky approach, even ignoring all issues I had so far. Would work well if it were implemented correctly (it isnt) and the peak had the shape a perfect linear oscillator causes (it usually doesnt) for zv and mzv. EI not even then.
@miklschmidt not more to add from my side
Thank you very much, i won't be adding that anytime soon, although a "real" implementation sounds like something someone should look into someday. Something someone someday sometime 😂
This should be hand in hand with a complete input shaper rework 😛
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
So... you guys think just run a tuning tower for it?
trying to figure out what to do about the ringing despite tuning
tuning the value is not a bad idea
just, this method here is a bit hit and miss
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
I get it you guys are having a big long input shaper discussion - but I just want to print fast!
works in some cases, in others not so much
I dont know anything about your rig, but I never had a RR that needed this parameter tuned to get rid of ringing
still, if this parameter helps you fixing it, by all means, use it!
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
intersting, you can see from that I'm having quite the adventure with my X axis
with that last graph Isetup the reccommended in printer.cfg and set the slicer to 7K, and the print had some ringing
which is why I'm confused
and hunting for other tings
Ok, your graph looks bad
what you are looking at is a hardware issue
to be solved in hardware, not software
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
even the last one?
before that I knew it wasn't good, but I saw a nice peak once I found the loose screws
The last one looks overtightened to hell (you might have permanently stretched your belts actually, which means permanent belt artifacts on surfaces along X), the second to last was better, despite that 125hz peak. You may want to watch @MarschallMarc's video on resonances to get a better understanding of what's going on:
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
How to Read and Analyze Input Shaper Graphs Generated by Klipper
This video is supposed to be a brief overview on what the input shaper graphs can tell us. It is the first video of a series of videos which will give a more in depth view on the kinematic system and input shaping in Klipper.
As always: feel free to jump to those parts, that help you with your problems:
00:00 Intro
00:57 What we can learn from...
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
I'm being told that in <#1110701590253412352>
ah sorry didn't see! 🙂