Manta m8p 2.0

i need help , configurator wizard is stuck on printer setup, RatOS 2.1 i tried manual flashing , no help.
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9 Replies
MDFPereiraβ€’9mo ago
First flash should be with sd card. Only then auto flash will work.
i tried flashing with SD card and nothing happens. i was able to flash with SD card firmware.bin was changed to firmware.cur , stll problem persist RatOS configurator still stuck at printer selection
miklschmidtβ€’9mo ago
it's stuck because both klipper and moonraker is dead. Try rebooting. If the moonraker badge in the top doesn't turn green then i assume you manually edited some config files and introduced errors. Self compiled firmware doesn't work. You need to use the configurator to compile the firmware, otherwise the board can't be identified If your installation remains borked i recommend reflashing a fresh image and don't mess around with stuff before setting up your printer πŸ™‚
ill try a fresh re-install thanks jesus christ i cant believe how easy RatOS 2.1 works! ive just learned about 2.1 earlier while i was figuring out the v2.0 to work with m8p v.2 thank you very much!
miklschmidtβ€’9mo ago
Love to hear that! πŸ˜„
Buddienorwayβ€’9mo ago
small question when you updated to RatOs 2.1 does your part fan still work? Mine wont spin anymore. Not sure if the pinouts changed in the setup or what happend. Will have to look into that.
miklschmidtβ€’9mo ago
You just picked the wrong fan type in the hardware configurator. Please read the description above the dropdown and pay attention to whether it's the toolboard or controlboard you're selecting.
Buddienorwayβ€’9mo ago
Don't see any fan selection. I'll go and check that again then. Thanks.
MDFPereiraβ€’9mo ago
It is the same page where you select hotend, thermistor, probe, endstops, etc.

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