Peak 68hz on x and y

Hey guys, does anyone have an idea what could cause this peak @68hz?? It is on x and y, so i think it is related to a belt or the printhead.
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5 Replies
chicken6mo ago
what type printer, what size and what device you are using the measure resonance?
DanyOP6mo ago
Vcore4 300 hybrid It is meassured with adxl from the toolboard
chicken6mo ago
are your hybrid belts already on?
DanyOP6mo ago
yes without the hybrid belts there is the same peak but not so high. They peak is also on X graph, so it should not be related to the hybrid belts.
chicken6mo ago
z movement from my understanding is either you have a wobbly toolhead for some reason, (loose toolhead to the carriage or a bad rail) or more likely the toolboard with the ADXL is loose or its mount loose. Have you double checked everything is tight? Also doublecheck both X and Y resonance is measured from the toolboard. Beacon give some wierd measurements due to how/where it is mounted

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