Installing RatOS 2. What is a "toolboard" and how do I figure out what version I have?

So step 2 of the initial configuration is asking me to pick a toolboard. What is it, and how do I figure out if I have one and what version it is?
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57 Replies
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
toolboards are used to simplify connections from MCU to hotend If you don't have one, you can just click skip
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Ok. So it IS possible to not have one. I guess that is my setup, then.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
I'll fix the title so it's more obvious that it's optional πŸ™‚
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Thanks. I'm just about ready to give it a go. Just need to sort out the probe (had to replace inductive for BL Touch again because glass bed now).
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
ew kek
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
I know, I know... but I am having way too many issues with the bed leveling. I am hoping the glass will help me straighten out a bit.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
Why do you think it will help with bed leveling?
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
The glass is pretty flat. I am hoping to find out if the bed is at fault (warped) or if it is something else. Basically troubleshooting. At this point, just trying to figure out what to replace in the printer.cfg.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
Take a straight edge to it after heating it up You need to redo all the probe calibration stuff as well as switching the config to use the bltouch instead of the probe
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Done. I can see some warping, though I think it would be too little to be of consequence. I was pretty sure the bed leveling would compensate. The probelm, as you may recall from my first tirades, is that it never helped. Yes, I am aware. Just can't find the probe config in the documentation. Still searching.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
Take some tape and wrap it around the z leadsscrews to make flags. Then you can watch as it prints the flags move and prove to yourself it is adjusting the print
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
No, no... it moves, alright. You can see that. The problem has always been that it doesn't seem to be "enough". I don't really know how to better explain it. So imagine a 100x100 base layer. My printer always starts the first layer bottom right corner (front of the printer) and then starts filling in to the top left. It starts off wonderful. Then you start to notice the lines starting to get jagged and more and more squished. Some light stringing starts to occure. So I lift the Z a tad (normally 0.05 though sometimes it calls for 0.1).
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
That is most likely the X gantry bending
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
By the end of the first layer, sometimes I have adjusted over 0.4mm. Maybe. Hence the troubleshooting step. If the glass performs the same, I have all reason to believe I have an issue with X.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
You can test this. Do a cold bed mesh. Then heat everything up and wait 15 minutes, then mesh again
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Ok. But for now I need to correct my cfg since I have already replaced the probes. Then I will test as per your suggestion.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
RatOS-configuration/v-core-3-printer.template.cfg at v2.x Β· Rat-OS/...
The RatOS modular klipper configuration. Contribute to Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration development by creating an account on GitHub.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Ahhhh, this is it. Bookmarking that page. So I guess I need to include and uncomment this: BL Touch #[include RatOS/z-probe/bltouch.cfg]
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
And then remove this:
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
Not remove, just comment it out. Using the #
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Made these 2 changes:
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NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Here goes... Oh boy... I hate messing with the configs πŸ˜•
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
So, here's my 2 cents: 1) Your problem is not the static shape of your bed or mesh leveling. 2) Your problem is mechanical and can be any one or a combination of the following a) probe drift b) sagging z arms - these need to be level (they can also sag over time as they heat up) c) bed shape changing over time because it wasn't properly pre-heated and allowed to settle d) loose couplers e) Overly tightened x and/or y rails so that thermal expansion causes the gantry to bend unpredictably over time with heat 3) Glass sucks πŸ™‚ But do tell if the glass fixes your problems, i like to be surprised πŸ˜„
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
I'm actually not too confident it will solve anything. From all the tests and experiments done so far, I tend to believe it'll be some hardware issue. I was going to test it, but now since updating to RatOS 2, I can't get KlipperScreen to start on the tablet. So I have no emergency stop. And I don't feel like testing my printer.cfg changes without the relative security of an emergency stop button πŸ˜„ I reinstalled KlipperScreen. Made sure it was running (according to RatOS, it seems to be).
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
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NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
And then, there is the most recent KlipperScreen log:
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
The only issue I see might be the 404 Client Error>>Not Found for url>> Everything else seems to be ok.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
Well you have to go through that whole process of setting up a klipper screen proxy or whatever is needed to make that actually work on tablets. It's not something that just works out of the box.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
I think someone else just recently posted about klipperscreen issues
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
different issue Did you try doing what it says on the screen?
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
I guess I need to add klipperscreen to my vcore3 200 build since it seems to come up often and I've never used it
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
in this case he's trying to run it on a tablet which requires and x11 proxy
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
I can't figure out if I need to do it from Console or using some ssh like putty?
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
ssh. It's not gcode πŸ˜„
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Ok Let me give it a whirl.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
I'm pretty sure you followed some guide initially to get this working. I suggest finding that guide again.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Nope. It was MΓ‘rcio Pereira that set it up for us. Don't know if you know him.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
Aaah, yeah so Marcio followed a guide πŸ˜„
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
I do, he's an OG member of the RR beta team
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Can't seem to reach him today. Probably busy. He's mentioned you as well, a couple of times.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Yup. I'm there. I've been around computers for the better part of 30 years... I am a proficient poweruse when it comes to all things Windows. But damn, I just fall to pieces whenever it is Linux related.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
Yeah linux is like learning to speak russian when coming from windows πŸ˜„
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Great analogy. I just realized I don't know where the probe calibration tool is in the klipper interface. I only ever did it using the KlipperScreen.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
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NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
So yeah.... Just about as crappy as before. Close to a millimeter when cold.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
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NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
he only positive is that the results were pretty consistent after 15 minutes heating at 80 degrees.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
Post in #fix-my-mesh I bet they can help you get it better. I bet it's partially frame related
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
I hope so. After all these months, I got the print quality mostly ok. Just this level mess holding me back now.
blacksmithforlifeβ€’2y ago
One of my favorite mods is the dual rail X. My mesh basically doesn't change much when going from open air PLA to enclosed 50⁰ camber abs
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
Looks like the x-rail was tightened from the outside in, instead of from one side to the other or middle out. And with too much torque at that. try that and see if it helps. If it doesn't i'd try rotating the X extrusion 180 degrees. That said, bed mesh should be able to compensate for this
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Sorry... Out of office yesterday. Not a good day. So the x rail os the one where the extruder slides, right? Is there a proper torque? Because I have access to torque keys.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
correct No specific number besides "light". But try 2-2.5Nm that should be enough. Also if you have a screw in every single hole, take them out, you only need about every third hole.
NMGMarquesOPβ€’2y ago
Will try something.

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