Confirm my 4028 fan user override is correct in printer.cfg

In the process if trying to troubleshoot why my fan always seems to default to %39 after the second layer can I confirm my printer.cfg is correct. Currently I have ... "[fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin cycle_time: 0.01" If I attempt to add the additional line "enable_pin: J50" which is my PWM signal wire pin or "enable_pin:J56" which is my power pin I get the attached error suggesting its not a valid PIN, however it is according to the Octopus 1.1 pinout .pdf Does "enable_pin" even need to be defined?
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16 Replies
automatic-azure3y ago
J50 is not the PIN name but that of the connector. In the picture of the PIN out of your board there should be more at J50 , for example 3.3 Volt , GND and PB7 . In the example PB7 would be the PIN name. What kind of board do you use. und an welchem Stecker haben Sie den Lüfter angeschlossen
I have an Octopus 1.1 buddy
automatic-azure3y ago
The PIN Name of J50 is PA8 [fan] pin: !PA8 cycle_time: 0.00004 for 25khz or even cycle_time: 0.01 for 100hz You have to check which fan it is.
Oh God how did I miss that
Unnecessary it would seem regardless
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automatic-azure3y ago
How did you connect the fan ? Connect the plus to J56 and minus to the minus HE3 and PWM to PA 8 then write this into the Printer.cfg User Overrides [fan] pin: !PA8 cycle_time: 0.00004 enable_pin: PB11
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I'm out at the moment but I have this picture on my phone. I will double check when I get home
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automatic-azure3y ago
[fan] pin: !PA8 cycle_time: 0.00004 for 25khz or even cycle_time: 0.01 for 100hz You have to check which fan it is. Have you put it in the Printer . Cfg User Overrides
Hi Buddy "HE3" is a 24volt supply the fan is only 12volt I believe are you sure about that?
No mention of HE3 in the documentation
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
automatic-azure3y ago
HE3 - = 0 Volt tue Blackline in HE3 HE3 not +.
Simply curious buddy, given the documentation instructs to wire it exactly how I have done so why have you selected to use HE3. Are there benefits to this option?
automatic-azure3y ago
Since Sep 2, 2022 there's now an enable_pin in the [fan] section that does the same thing and on top of that it turns the fan power off if speed is 0, so now you can just do: I have decided to use the wiring as I have done it, as there were probably some users who had problems with fans. As soon as the printer was turned on it started at 100% etc.. Since I had to connect it anyway, why not do it this way so that I can avoid the errors that can occur? There it is described, as an example at the HE2 negative pole. You can also use HE2 or HE3, the important thing is that your negative cable comes into the negative pole of HE3. This does not change your 12 volts for the fan, as you leave your positive lead where it is now. If you use HE3 for your negative connection, then this should be entered in the Printer.config at the bottom of the Useroverrides. [fan] pin: !PA8 cycle_time: 0.00004 for 25khz or even cycle_time: 0.01 for 100hz You have to check which fan it is. It works?
flat-fuchsia3y ago
I have mine wired exactly like yours is and this is what I have under "user overrides" [fan] pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin cycle_time: 0.01 Works exactly as it should, other than spooling up to 100% when printer is turned on and before Klipper is enabled
firm-tan3y ago
Hello have the same problem and have a few questions. I am not clear from the Ratos manual. I have now set so. Or should you do it differently. Should hardware_pwm not be --> True? Can it work like that? [fan] Print Cooling Fan - FAN0 enable_pin: PA8 ## Cable plus and GND ## max_power: 1 hardware_pwm: False ## ? ## shutdown_speed: 0.0 kick_start_time: 0 off_below: 0.1 pin: !PD12 ## PWM on GND ## cycle_time: 0.00004 Depending on your fan, you may need to increase this value if your fan will not start. Can change cycle_time (increase) if your fan is not able to slow down effectively
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