How do I reverse my controller fan

I need to reverse my controller fan, when my printer is idling, its on 100%, as soon as it starts moving it turns off. I need to fix this. I got as far as to writing:
pin: !fan_controller_board_pin
pin: !fan_controller_board_pin
but there was an error saying:
pin fan_controller_board_pin used multiple times in config
pin fan_controller_board_pin used multiple times in config
I attached the cgf.
7 Replies
harsh-harlequinOP10mo ago
@Jamin Collins [VC 3.1 400mm] Does the post state enough?
JaminCollins10mo ago
The pin is used multiple times. Your printer_15.cfg includes:
[include RatOS/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg]
[include RatOS/homing.cfg]
[include RatOS/macros.cfg]
[include RatOS/shell-macros.cfg]
[include RatOS/printers/v-core-3/macros.cfg]
[include RatOS/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg]
[include RatOS/homing.cfg]
[include RatOS/macros.cfg]
[include RatOS/shell-macros.cfg]
[include RatOS/printers/v-core-3/macros.cfg]
The first of those includes is this file, and the line doing the reference is highlighted: So, I believe what you'd want to include in your printer.cfg is something like:
[controller_fan controller_fan]
pin: !fan_controller_board_pin
[controller_fan controller_fan]
pin: !fan_controller_board_pin
This will effectively overwrite/replace the offending section with the change I believe you're trying to make.
RatOS-configuration/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg at v2.x · Rat-OS...
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harsh-harlequinOP10mo ago
thank you so much I just turned everything off for the night as I've been messing with my printer since 9am (15 hours nonstop). I actually managed to turn an ethernet cable into a connector for my input shaper, and cant wait to learn how to read the graphs. As soon as im awake and working at my printers, ill try this. Thank you so much actually before you go, regarding the topic
harsh-harlequinOP10mo ago
I did this to make my part cooling fan shut up
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harsh-harlequinOP10mo ago
and I was wondering if I should put these in the override section?
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JaminCollins10mo ago
If you've gone that route, I believe so yes
harsh-harlequinOP10mo ago
okay thanks

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