No beacon macros after fresh install ratos 2.1.0-rc2
6 Replies
oh, i have installed the latest possible
i remember that i had some issue with the name
i had to change it to calibrate
what you can do is go to go to the rasperry via ssh and try to install possible missing node packages "pnpm i"
or just upgrade to the latest version
i have no suggested update left
is the configurator working or you get "Bad Gateway" errors? If you get the error, you have to install missing node-packages
Configurator is working
i can see it on devices
but it is not seen after flashing boards
I found the solution. I installed RaToS from scratch. I flashed the system onto the SD card again and performed a standard configuration using the configurator. Then, in the "Machine" tab, I first updated only RaToS, followed by updating the Beacon separately, and finally ran "Update All Components." Now everything works as expected.
Previously, during the fresh installation, I used "Update All" immediately instead of updating step by step (RaToS > Beacon > All). It seems that the Beacon was updated before RaToS, which likely caused the issue.