Unable to Parse Option 'pid_Kd' in section 'heater_bed'
Really sorry I've had to post so many of these. Hoping this and one other are the last of it.
I went into the config file, uncommented all the ones pertaining to my printer being a 500, and after restarting got this error. I didn't touch this part.
I looked up the specific error and others had the question but no answer.

54 Replies
the heater bed section and pid_Kd

adverse-sapphire•3y ago
The problem is in the next lines, there comes the ADXL section. You probably have one or two lines there still commented

guessing I gotta uncomment "resonance tester" and probe points?
sorry this is my first time using klipper. Y'all are the most helpful community
Okay uncommented [resonance tester] and got this

adverse-sapphire•3y ago
Probe points have to be also uncommented
and back to the initial error
adverse-sapphire•3y ago
And the line with adxl has to be commented 😉

dah, new error

adverse-sapphire•3y ago
That's defined above, you probably still have the corresponding lines commented, I am just on mobile right now so cannot look into the exact line. Best practice would be that you upload your printer.cfg here
ah, found the line
And MCU is not able to connect
you didn't uncomment line 91
I did
not in that file but I did find it
ok, so what error are you getting now (screenshot) and upload your current printer.cfg

I do sincerely appreciate the help from y'all and I am sorry I'm not so versed in this. Hardware, I got. Firmware, well there's a reason I didn't continue with computer science in college.
and you have a regular octopus board? not octopus pro
regular, yes.
the printer.cfg looks good to me. I would power it down and unplug everything in case something is shorting the board (triple check your endstop wiring as that is common)
then power it back up. It should complain about the ADL temp being out of spec which is normal because your thermistor isn't attached
then slowly start plugging stuff back in until you find what is causing the issue
yeah definitely had that issue earlier with the endstop. Those wires got quite hot.
I'll start on the wiring.
oof, hopefully you didn't fry your board then
sure hope not. the lights are all on still
and the bltouch gives a click
but your endstop ports might be dead
that's why there are a bunch of warnings about making sure the endstop wiring is correct
yeah, totally see that.
one was definitely correct cuz I used an extension wire and had to use a dupont connector.
complete tangent - but I will only use an extension on a static wire (i.e. the wire isn't moving around on the toolhead). Most of the wiring that comes with stuff isn't meant to be moved around on a toolhead - so I specifically bought wiring for that
I would, but the wire is too short to reach across the full range of the 500.
same with the extruder motor.
get longer wire then
i recommend https://www.igus.com/product/1013?artNr=CF9-03-16-07-03-INI
it is made for industrial machines, is self supporting, and has all the various wires you need for your hotend
I mean fair. Can't replace the motor but I'll look at it.
Why would you need to replace the extruder motor?
the wire i mean
I just cut my extruder wiring short and added jst-sm connectors
okay, took out all the wires save for power and still got the mcu error.
adverse-sapphire•3y ago
Did you flash the Board with RatOS Firmware?
adverse-sapphire•3y ago
And the name changed from firmware.bin to FIRMWARE.CUR?
adverse-sapphire•3y ago
ok well, time to ssh into the PI then. if you run
what is the output?
have you removed the jumper so that it can communicate over USB?
ok, disconnect your octopus from the pi. Then run
dmesg -w
and while that is running, plug the octopus back into the pi. Then copy the output heredo I run dmesg -w after plugging it back in too?
Plugging it back in nothing else came up after the dmseg -w
maybe your cable isn't good. Have you tried others?
should I try reflashing the firmware? cuz at this point it's starting to feel like the board might be shot.
yeah, you can try again. Be sure to give it extra time for flashing - I did about 10 minutes before cutting power
I just need to have the USB plugged in, right? other plugs aren't required while flashing that?
You need to write the firmware.bin to the SD card, put that SD card into octopus, and then power the octopus for 5-10 minutes
yeah just making sure nothing else need be plugged in
reuploading the firmware finally got it initialized!
thank you all so much ❤️