Configuration override confusion
Hi, In order to change the fixed speed of my hotend fan I copied the config/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg file into my printer config and changed the relivent commands. When I saved and restarted I got an error saying [include ../base.cfg] does not reference anything, so I commented it out. I now get this error. Both mean nothing to me and I have not changed the macros file at all. I'm guessing the root of my issue is that I commented out the [include ../base.cfg] but I am unfortunatly not experienced enough yet to know what to do. A google search got me nowhere as well as a search on this forum and the klipper documentation.

4 Replies
In order to change the fixed speed of my hotend fan I copied the config/printers/v-core-3/v-core-3.cfg file into my printer config and changed the relivent commandsthis is your problem, you don't need to do that. revert back to your known good configuration (you do have a backup of that right?). Then, what fan are you trying to change the speed of? If it is actually the hotend fan that cools your hotend, all you need to add is for more information
Does that not conflict with the hotend fan speed called out in the vcore-3.cfg file? Does changing the value in the printer.cfg overide that file?
your printer.cfg will override it. See
You probably want to rename this post. This has nothing to do with the PAUSE command
Ooooh ok thanks, that makes a lot more sense. Yes I do have a backup, I will give it a try now.