RatOs manual install

Hey rats, I'm been a long time klipper user but starting to look at the ratrig system, especially after seeing the new RatOs 2.1 trailer showing off the camera assisted nozzle alignment and live vibration data. I have a diy cross gantry machine that's running klipper on a pi 4 and uses two mellow super 8 mcu's. It will soon become a tool changer (prusa xl style) so the visual tool alignment application looks awesome for that! I'm pretty confident in klipper configs and so on, but everything happening in ssh is black magic for me. I'm good at following a step by step guide, but I honestly have no clue what I'm doing in ssh xD I have a few questions about RatOs and how it's installed/configured.
I would start with a pull request to support the main board you have and then work from there.
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9 Replies
DannerD3HOP10mo ago
1: Under your list of supported mcu's are only a number of butt boards. But I suppose it's just the boards you have configs for. So I would still be able to use my super 8's ? Or will I loose the automatic MCU update functionality? 2: Is it correct that I can just use my existing config files and add my own macros and so on in RatOs or am I locked to your machines? 3: Is it possible to install RatOs on a basic Raspberry Pi OS? The reason I ask is I have a wave share display that for some reason does not work on i.e. Mainsail OS. Installing the basic PiOS and then manually installing mainsail, klipper and so on with KIAUH solved the issue. I suspect it will be the same with RatOs?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck10mo ago
1. new boards can be added easily, if it will be able to autoflash depends on th board 2. technically you can use your own macros, but you need to understand that the ratos macros is where a big part of the magic happens. all aprts of ratos do play nicely together 3. ratos is using mainsail os, you are tied to it, it is technically possible to use other OSs, but only with a huge amount of work. im using waveshare displays as well, they do work with ratos and mainsail os. VAOC is also partly in the UI and partly deeply integrated into the ratos macros, so again, making yoour own macros defeats the purpose of ratos somehow vaoc is also. atm tied to the native ratos IDEX macros, you woud need to modify vaoc slightly to make it work, but thats doable and since you are using a cross gantry printer you would need to add some more config files to it so this wont be a straight forward task
DannerD3HOP10mo ago
1. What are the requirements to the board to allow auto flashing? 2. I didn't mean I would bypass the RatOs macros just if I could still add my own. 3. Hmmm yes I know most wave share screens just work, but this specific one didn't (10" dsi). I think it was a driver issue. It may have been fixed by now though (it was 2 years ago I talked to their support). Hmm okay sounds like it may not be worth the effort then.. sad. I totally understand that RatOs is tailored to the ratrig machines. Makes sense. But man I wished those nice features could be installed as plugins on the basic klipper firmware! (Vaoc and vibration analysis specifically) Thanks for the fast reply!
I would start with a pull request to support the main board you have and then work from there.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck10mo ago
1. @miklschmidt can answer 2. youl can add as maany macros as you want and interact with ours its totally doable 3. is fixable for sure
DannerD3HOP10mo ago
Oh didn't realize that was an option it seemed like it was a decision specifically to only use btt hardware. Will try that then!
miklschmidt10mo ago
1. Needs to support klippers way of programatically entering the bootloader (ie. If klipper can flash it once klipper is already on there with a single command, you’re good).
@miklschmidt is https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1177272285384683681 still the process for supporting a new board with ratos 2.1? if not, we should update the pinned message in #ratos-development
miklschmidt10mo ago

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