Z Homing + MK3s
Hi guys,
I have successfully installed RatOS on a Manta M8P with CB1 on a Caribou 220 (upgraded MK3s).
The X and Y axis seem to home correctly but the Z doesn't. When I home the axis, the toolhead moves to 5,605mm but this is not absolute above the zero point because when I move my axis via Z-Offset -0,60mm the nozzle scratches the paper on the steelsheet.
When looking at the homing macro on my VC-300 it homes all axis, moves to bed center and lifts 15mm in Z. When going down to zero the nozzle is on the bed.
So on my MK3s when moving my nozzle to zero the it would crash into the bed (which it does, once ^^). Also strange, when I got my -0,60mm offset, and save it via SAVE_CONFIG, home again the axis with a new Z offset value the Z value increases by 0,60mm and can start the procedure all again but it moves into the wrong direction.
I have attached the printer.cfg via textfile and a screenshot of the Z-Offset ...
Maybe somebody has a hint for me?
2 Replies
looks like you moved things around and deleted a bunch of stuff from https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration/blob/v2.x/templates/prusa-mk3s-printer.template.cfg. There is a warning not to change the order https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides
RatOS uses a modular configuration that heavily takes advantage of the config file include and merge logic in Klipper. For this reason, the order of includes and overrides are very important, do not change the order of the configuration unless you know what you're doing.I would start over using the template filling in things as needed
rising-crimsonOP•2y ago
Thanks for the hint, gonna check and let you know!