Z Tilt error help

Hi, just finished building my printer and getting things set up with a lot of help from a friend. I was just trying to start my first benchy when I got this error saying "Probed points range is increasing" as it was attempting to do the Z Tilt. I've attempted it again and getting the same results. Any ideas what's causing it or how to fix it?
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8 Replies
use the stepper_buzz command (https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_checks.html#verify-stepper-motors) to verify your Z motors are connected to the correct driver. Z is front left Z1 is rear, Z2 is front right. You probably switched Z and Z2
SithMaster015OP2y ago
Sorry for delay in response, had an interview to go to. Just went and checked and all my z motors are plugged in accurately so that is not my malfunction here.
Then it is something mechanical. Loose pulley, grub screw not tight, or not on the flat of the stepper, binding, etc
SithMaster015OP2y ago
Any idea how to fix whichever one it is? I've only just got this thing put together so I'm really not sure what to do with it here
Well, I gave you a couple of examples. You will need to check each one and see if that is what is causing the issue
fascinating-indigo2y ago
Had the same issue turns out my left grub screw was bit loose. Thanks for the advice
SithMaster015OP2y ago
Finally home and been doing some independent research and ended up giving it a shot at just tightening the grub screws and seeing where it got me. Turns out that must have been my problem because I'm good to go now. Thanks for the help and advice!
Be sure to use some blue locktite so it doesn't come loose

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