Seam problems
Hi there!
I'm trying to dial in my seam but unfortunately I'm stuck.
I still have a quite noticable seam although I (individually) tried various settings to the best of my knowledge (temp, retraction, seam gap, wipe, extra wipe).
To me it seems that the end of the final perimeter loop kinda bulges out a bit.
I'd be very grateful for some help. I'll attach a test .3mf to this post with my most recent test settings.
V-minion with Orbiter v2 Direct Drive
Extrudr PETG
Note: I tried increasing retraction up to 3mm without any noticable difference.
4 Replies
helpful-purple•2y ago
I have a similar Problem. Have you tried wipe at the end of perimeter?
And also retract before wipe
adverse-sapphire•2y ago
Also having similar problems, looking forward for ideas
ambitious-aqua•2y ago
I saw mutch better seams in the newest superslicer.
flat-fuchsia•2y ago
So I'm using Prusia Slicer, so ymmv, but I found that changing the seam orientation from aligned to nearest made my seams go from super wide and visible to near invisible