Spider 1.1 Fans
Can't seem to get my 12v fans working, neither part cooling nor toolhead, the power led won't light up red on them, voltage jumper is set at 12v for both, free fan plug on the board has the red light on. Validated both fans with an external power source. Can provide any cfg files needed.
40 Replies
* What version of ratos are you using
* upload your printer.cfg
* upload picture of your wiring
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
Excuse the terrible picture, i was trying to get a proper one, i can do a more general one if needed. All wiring follows the guide on the ratos wiki for the spider as far as i can tell
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
This is my cfg, as I'm using the ports from the wiki schematic I assume i don't have to change anything there? (https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/fysetc/spider-11/ for reference)
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
should def upgrade
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
can do that and report back if you think it's best
tried to write come gcode to debug but it din't work either
not the problem, but you want a space between the name and value on line 293
-> mesh_max: 120,135
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
noted! updating everything now
@miklschmidt according to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FYSETC/FYSETC-SPIDER/main/Spider_V2.2_Pinout.pdf the board pins don't match the ratos config.
be PA14
not PB1
be PA13
not PB0
@lurker8060 try adding this to the end of your config:
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
will do that now
on their wiki they don't have the pin names for the 1.x names i think
at least on the fans
doesn't seem to be that, now moving the slider does not illuminate the led
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
let me switch machines, their svgs are unusuable on my linux box
yeah, they just suck
ohh looking again at https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC-SPIDER/blob/main/Spider_V2.2_Pinout.pdf it lists the pins for 1.1 below
and they are PA0, PA1
so try this
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
pin bltouch_sensor_pin is an alias for PA0
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART"
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
this is what the config comes with btw
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
PB and PA misshap on their end?
(my bltouch is working btw so asumin thats fine on that end)
I probed the output of the slider on the dashboard, i get the 0v to 12V range
albeit but that is not the issue
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
2.2 isn’t supported
The title of this post says 1.1?
Yeah, I was dumb
Ah no worries
I didn't realize there were so many versions of the board
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
Yeah, it's a right mess... Lol
If that's working, and the fans are working when connected directly to a different power supply, I guess it is the wiring between the board and the fans
Or they’re not pwmable, try 100%
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
I'm proving the ends
And i powered through the cables just incase
Let's see
ok now the toolhead oen is responding to the part cooling slider
after wapping the cables
sucking in air from the hotend
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
and it does throttle with the pwm
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
PB1 works then
how would i go on over riding these if i want the 3 fans
[fan fan_part_cooling_pin]
pin: PB0
[heater_fan fan_toolhead_cooling_pin]
pin: PB1
this ain't it obviously
What do you mean? These are the pins by default
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
i was trying to map em to the right pins, so the dashboard can actually move the fan that it needs to move
So the dashboard can move them? Sorry I'm not understanding
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
Let me recheck and actually tell you
ok now the print fan works with the stock slider
now my quesion is if i can get a slider for the toolhead fan
or some way to check it
Yeah, sounds like wiring is suspect to me
Heat up your hotend
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
as in here
It comes on when the hotend is hot. So heat up your hotend
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
Heater extruder not heating at expected rate
See the 'verify_heater' section in docs/Config_Reference.md
for the parameters that control this check.
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown
obviously need to work on this before
give me a sec
any set temp¿
got it at 80 and it's not on
Is your heater not hooked up?
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
It wasn't, but it's heating fine now
Problem is i don't know at what temp the fan should kick in
As 90 doesn't seem to do it
It should kick on immediately while heating, and then turn off when it cools below 50⁰
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
It was something with the crimping
Best practice to reverse the polarity via .cfg?
Or should i just swap cables
Or spin the fan around i guess