Heating extruder not heating at expected rate

Having this problem now and then. can appear from no where and then not show for a few weeks, then is shows up again. can anyone help me in the right direction where to start trouble shooting? PID is done and saved
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7 Replies
sounds like a wiring problem
someactionOP3y ago
im using a revo hotend. this morning i changed to my phaetus. and i got no problems. that leavs it with one answer i guess. i have to get a new heatercore
extended-salmon3y ago
for what it's worth I also just had this issue (perfect running until random error). And indeed in my case it was the connector used to extend the heater wires.
someactionOP3y ago
was it the connector right at the hotend cable? cause mine is working fine atm with my phaeuts
extended-salmon3y ago
Yeah that one. It could be the connector on the revo side, not the extension side, if you kept the latter. I was surprised mine went bad, because both ends of the connector came with the hotend, but the problem is I tied the connector itself to the wire mount with zip ties, and it probably weakened over time. I managed to isolate the problem by fishing for an error, after which the heater wouldn't start heating even after reset. Then I jiggled all cables one by one until it started heating again.
foreign-sapphire3y ago
Delete the PID values in the config or replace them with the old defaults. Then run a PID tune. Changing from or to a hotend that heats much slower or faster than the previous will cause this error when trying to heat or PID tune cause it uses the old values as a base
someactionOP3y ago
ive used my revo hotend since the printer was new. i just put the phaetus on now since i have it for spare

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