Raspberry Pad 5 + CM4

Is it possible to install RatOS on 8gb cm4 on a Pad5? I bought this as the Pi have been on back order.
30 Replies
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
I installed on a 32GB CM4, 8GB I don’t believe it will work, it fails on a 8GB SDCard
harsh-harlequinOP3y ago
I guess it seems like I messed up, do anyone know the minimum requirements, 2gb ram and 32g emmc? I can't find any info about minimum requirements for the install on os.ratrig.com,
toml3y ago
Not 100% but I think you don’t want the emmc CM4.
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
Why wouldn't you? (Except if it's too small)
toml3y ago
My bad, I see it’s in a pad5. That shouldn’t be too bad to flash the CM4 as it’s easy to get to/move to a computer. @maxx6360 have you tried and it failed? If not, I’d just try it.
miklschmidt3y ago
1gb mem is plenty. You want at least 16gb emmc or no emmc (sd card, easier).
harsh-harlequinOP3y ago
I’ve tried with a SD card 64gb, but it does find it during boot. But SD might only work on a no emmc version?
miklschmidt3y ago
Indeed. It’s one or the other.
harsh-harlequinOP3y ago
Thanks, looking for a new one. Seems I always learn the costly way. 😂 But I guess it’s how it sticks? 🤦‍♂️
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
No description
miklschmidt3y ago
Yeah the CM4 uses the same pins for eMMC and SD. So you can't have both. You can however mod your CM4 with eMMC to use SD instead, but it requires some pretty steady hands 😄
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
My RPi 3A ony has 512MB and it runs fine but I would really go for 1GB RAM if possible
miklschmidt3y ago
yes 512 is fine, but i don't think you can get a CM4 with 512mb ram
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
For the price of a CM4 I would not go that route and instead sell it (fast) hint hint @maxx6360 😉
miklschmidt3y ago
And i'd still say 512 is juuuuuust enough, i'd like the additional headroom personally 😄
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
Indeed, 1GB is way more comfortable 🙂
harsh-harlequinOP3y ago
I think I’ll just have to see what’s available and get that, BTT didnt have any in stock either.
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
@miklschmidt Maxx raised a point on minimum requirements for RatOS If you look at https://os.ratrig.com/docs/installation there's this minor mention of "(16GB or larger)." but I' believe this could be improved with a specific Minimum Requirements section to be clear and specific? Do you want me to wip something up?
miklschmidt3y ago
Yes i agree That would be great!
deep-jade3y ago
@miklschmidt So would it be possible to install RatOS natively on a CM4 with emmc without using an SD card? In this case I’ll order one and a base board
miklschmidt3y ago
Yes 🙂 It's just a little more complicated, you need to mount the eMMC storage as a usb device on a pc Hence why i usually recommend no eMMC
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
I have this running fine
deep-jade3y ago
That's good news! And when it's mounted I will use Balena Etcher to write the RatOS Image, just to be sure? Which Baseboard are you using, the BTT Adapter, the Waveshare or another one?
Joao Barros
Joao Barros3y ago
A Pad5 You have some jumpers on the Pad5 you have to set in order to be able to write to the EMMC. You have to use the official Raspberry image writer. This is all documented in the Pad5 manual, don't know on other baseboards
miklschmidt3y ago
You have some jumpers on the Pad5 you have to set in order to be able to write to the EMMC.
That's the same for all of them
You have to use the official Raspberry image writer.
No, you can use Balena Etcher (and you should).
harsh-harlequinOP3y ago
Just remember to order it with a emmc of 16gb or larger. 😀
deep-jade3y ago
thank you both, ordered the 1GB 32GB emmc vairant now.
JamieDownweeezy10mo ago
sorry for just coing back to an old post but do you know how to mount the emmc, ive followed all the instructions but cant get it to show up as a disk to flash with an OS how did you mount the emmc as a disk mine shows up as a malfunctioned usb?
miklschmidt10mo ago
malfunctioned usb means it's working.. maybe 😅 Check if you can spot it in your favorite disk formatter. It shows up as "broken" on non-linux machines as it's an ext4 fs, windows no comprende.
Joao Barros
Joao Barros10mo ago
I don't recall mine having that behavior

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