Z Wobble or bed PID?

Hi folks, I found the issue in the pic (exaggerated with light from above). It's only visible, not really feelable. I made a fresh bed PID tuning before this print. Visually, I can't see any wobble from the lead screw (V-Minion). What's your opinion?
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4 Replies
You can determine whether it is temeprature fluctuation by looking at the graph during the print, also print a very thick print and a very skinny print. If it is z wobble, the pattern should repeat at the same height on both.
ambitious-aqua3y ago
i have a very similar issue . but in my prints its very visible on the front of the print and less on the back . this is a vase but it shows also on the benchy . it repeats every 4 mm
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ambitious-aqua3y ago
i found that the coupler bends the screw path. had some better luck with another type of coupler, but still far from perfect
ratty-blushOP3y ago
I converted to belted Z recently and the issue was gone. So I can assume it was an issue with the spindle or the coupler. The spindle was straight (checked on a flat glass surface), so I can rule the spindle out. One of the two couplers was the culprit or improper alignment although I tried my best to get it as good as I can

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