(SOLVED)SKR PRO 1.2 + BLTOUCH not working

Hi again, I'm trying to make BlTouch to work on my V-Minion under SKR Pro 1.2 board, X and Y work fine, but BlTouch is not starting properly, been reading through Klipper's docs and it seems that I might have to define some pins on printer.cfg file, I don't know how to and don't want to hit my bed again like last night...might have partially bended bltouch sensor...not sure. I'm stuck here... https://www.klipper3d.org/BLTouch.html#initial-tests Thanks everyone for your help !!!
2 Replies
If you are using ratos you shouldn't have to define pins as long as you wired it according to the diagram
AlexB-CatOP3y ago
Found why it’s not working, bought it about a year or more back as a BL-Touch but it seems to be a 3D Touch cheap clone…will order a proper one. My mistake….although I recall seeing bltouch on the package. Anyway, my fault… Thanks for your help Definitely it was the 3D-Touch version fooling me around, got an original BL-Touch from Antclabs and now I can keep moving forward...working nice and smoothly.

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