will more tuning help?

Hiya, I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to figure out the dark magic of belt tensioning on my enclosed vc3.1 300z I started with trying to set a rough belt tension using spectroid based on the advised 85 to 110 Hz frequency for a vc300. From there I used the ADXL with the belt tensioning macro to test and tweak the tension graph. The result of a couple of hours attached. This work gained me about 25% acceleration increase on my X-axis based on the input shaping graph. I was wondering - should I keep tuning to get it closer to that ideal 2-peak fully aligned belt tension graph? If yes, what would the benefit be? Or better yet - what would a well tuned vc300 input shaper graph look like? Any additional advice on how I might reach that is very welcome.
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3 Replies
Nebulator16mo ago
I think in general, the shaper graphs look quite good. The 125 Hz bump on your X graph is usually there on most vcores, I think this is the EVA printed parts. I would take those shaper settings and be happy. The belt graph Im not so sure about. I suspect (but Im no expert) your belts arent equal lengths. I think this because in the peaks at 73 Hz/82 Hz don't line up there. But like I said, not an expert so don't take my word for it. Spectroid tends to be very inaccurate. If you got a sensitive ear for frequencies (like tuning an instrument), I'd take Spectroid as a guide and use your ear for matching. In my case, spectroid measures 86 Hz, and while tighting, it doesnt adjust while its audibly going up. Then it suddenly measures 108 Hz. Next jump is at 126 Hz. Final note. If youre not using decouplers on your steppers and single bearings on the axles, I would not advise going to 110 Hz. Stay below 100. Steppers don't tend to like radial force very much.
Heretic_InfidelOP16mo ago
Thanks for the input! That was really helpful and as you said I’ll move ahead with what I have. Will double check the frequency and tune re-tune it if needed to stay below the 100Hz for now.
mwj-speedtwin9mo ago

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